Die 8 Dimensionen des Wellness Wheel Minimalist Style, Mentale Gesundheit, Persönliches Wachstum, Therapie Werkzeuge, Wellness, Ratgeber, Therapeut, Psychotherapie Wir stellen das ultimative Werkzeug zur Verbesserung Ihres mentalen Wohlbefindens und persönlichen Wachstums vor - Die 8 Dimensionen des Wellness Wheel! Dieses wunderschön gestaltete Therapie-Tool ist ein Muss für Dienstleister, Therapeuten und alle, die ihre Wellness-Reise schätzen. Mit seinem komplexen Ansatz erforscht dieses Rad die verschiedenen Aspekte des Wohlbefindens, einschließlich der psychischen Gesundheit, und ermöglicht es Ihnen, tiefer in die Schlüsselbereiche einzutauchen, die ein erfülltes Leben ausmachen. Investiere noch heute in dein Wohlbefinden und nutze die transformative Kraft der 8 Dimensionen des Wellness Wheels noch heute! "Klicken Sie auf den Link unten und schauen Sie sich die Beige Version der ""8 Dimensionen des Wohlbefindens"" an." https://guidemeprintables.etsy.com/listing/1613254521/the-8-dimensions-of-wellness-wheel ----------------------------------------------- WAS IST INBEGRIFFEN - 5 Zip-Dateien in den größten Größen für die folgenden Verhältnisse • Format: JPG - Hohe Auflösung: 300 DPI 2:3 Ratio-Datei = 24x36 Diese Datei wird folgende Größen drucken: Zoll: 4x6 | 6x9 | 20x30 | 10x15 | 12x18 | 16x24 | 20x30 | 24x36 CM: 10x15 | 15x23 | 20x30 | 25x38 | 30x46 | 41x61| 51x76 | 61x91 3:4 Ratio-Datei = 18x24 Diese Datei wird folgende Größen drucken: Zoll: 15x20cm | 24x30cm | 12x16cm | 15x20 | 18x24 CM: 15x20 | 23x30 | 30x41 | 38x51 | 46x61 4: 5 Ratio Datei = 16x20 Diese Datei wird folgende Größen drucken: Zoll: 4x5 | 20x30 | 16x20 CM: 10x13 | 20x25 | 41x51 1:1 Ratio Datei = 20x20 Diese Datei wird folgende Größen drucken: Zoll: 20x20cm | 10x10 | 30x30cm | 16x16cm | 20x20 | 30x30 CM: 20x20 | 25x25 | 30x30 | 41x41 | 51x51 | 76,2x76,2 11x14 Datei Diese Datei wird folgende Größen drucken: Zoll: 38x36cm CM: 28x36 Ihre Dateien sind nach dem Kauf verfügbar. ------------------------------------------------ BITTE BEACHTEN 1>> Dies ist ein sofortiger digitaler Download. Es wird kein physischer Artikel versendet. 2>> Text und Farben im Design können nicht geändert werden. 3>> Die Farben des gedruckten Bildes können leicht von denen auf dem Bildschirm abweichen. 4>> Digitale Download-Artikel sind vom Umtausch ausgeschlossen. 5>> Dieser Kauf ist nur für PERSONAL USE. Eine kommerzielle Nutzung ist nicht erlaubt. Sie dürfen diesen Druck in keiner Weise teilen, weiterleiten, weiterverkaufen oder verteilen. ------------------------------------------------- WIE MAN HERUNTERLADEN KANN 1. Sie können diese digitalen Produkte herunterladen, sobald Ihr Kauf bestätigt wurde. 2. Download-Link: Gehen Sie zu https://www.etsy.com/your/purchases 3. Laden Sie die soeben gekauften Dateien herunter. 4. Bei Bedarf entpacken. 5. Sie können Acrobat Reader verwenden, um diese Dateien zu öffnen. 6. Laden Sie diese Software kostenlos herunter https://www.adobe.com 7. Öffne die Datei im Acrobat Reader, wähle in den Druckereinstellungen die Option „Tatsächliche Größe“ und drucke sie aus.
What is ADHD burnout? Learn about the 6 different stages of the ADHD burnout cycle so you can identify where you need help today.
This article is going to outline 101 of the best therapy journal prompts. Journaling is a simple way to take a closer look at the inner workings of your heart, mind and soul. Additionally, I believe it is the most powerful tool you can do on your own to achieve more self awareness, emotional maturity…
Explore the 7 types of rest for a balanced life—physical, mental, emotional, creative, sensory, social, and spiritual well-being tips
Checking in on how someone feels regularly is often overlooked until a problem arises. Many don't realize the importance of including this in daily routines to maintain good mental health. Fortunately, resources are available that can easily fit into their daily schedules to facilitate this important practice. The Feelings Check-in Worksheet is a helpful tool that assists clients in becoming more aware of their emotions and finding healthy ways to cope. It asks them to identify how they’re feeling in the moment and where they feel it in their body by checking the appropriate boxes. There is also a space where they can write down thoughts linked to these feelings, along with examples of coping skills they can use when feeling down. Consistently using this worksheet helps kids and teens gain better control over their thoughts and actions. They can even pair it with our Feelings Thermometer handout to better understand the intensity of their emotions and learn how to manage them effectively. Caring adults who seek to understand their kids better can regularly check in with them using this worksheet — in the morning or evening. Therapists can track the child’s emotional patterns at the beginning of each session and offer them needed support. *This item is an instant digital download. A link to download your files will be emailed to you once payment is confirmed. Want more resources like this? Check out our full catalog of feelings worksheets and handouts. References: Chang, S., Vaingankar, J. A., Seow, E., Samari, E., Chua, Y. C., Luo, N., Verma, S., & Subramaniam, M. (2023). Understanding emotion regulation strategies among youths: A qualitative study. Journal of Adolescent Research, 074355842311610. https://doi.org/10.1177/07435584231161002 Dopheide, J. A. (2006). Recognizing and treating depression in children and adolescents. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 63(3), 233-243. https://doi.org/10.2146/ajhp050264 Somerville, M. P., MacIntyre, H., Harrison, A., & Mauss, I. (2022). Emotion controllability beliefs and young people’s anxiety and depression symptoms: A systematic review. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7ykw3
Try these 21 self worth exercises to increase self-esteem. Worksheets, activities and more ideas to boost confidence and self-worth.
Discover the top 10 somatic exercises to release trauma and anxiety with techniques for relaxation, healing, and emotional release.
Discover the power of EFT tapping to unlock emotional freedom and relieve stress. Learn about the techniques and EFT tapping points.
Discover the healing power of nature in OT. Learn about the benefits of nature based occupational therapy with treatment ideas as well.
Autism self diagnosis is a difficult process but I'm determined to make it easier for others which is why I’m sharing my story and solutions.
Autism meltdowns may seem unpredictable. This guide covers the stages of meltdowns and offers tons of effective strategies to calm your child.
You can make your own dopamine menu to inspire you whenever you need a pick-me-up.
Brain dump planner is a simple yet effective tool that allows you to unload your brain's contents onto paper and organize them in a structured and actionable format. Download and print!
Learn somatic stretching - a mindful practice that focuses on the mind-body connection, relaxation, body awareness, and tension release.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) worksheets for anxiety provide individuals with an effective way to address and manage their anxious thoughts and behaviors. These worksheets offer a structured approach to help individuals identify their specific worries, understand the underlying causes of their anxiety, and develop practical strategies to cope with it. Perfect for those seeking self-help options or for therapists looking to supplement their sessions, CBT worksheets on anxiety offer a valuable resource for anyone struggling with excessive worry and fear.
5 Somatic Healing Exercises to Build Emotional Resilience - This amazing post explains what somatic healing is and how to use somatic techniques as natural remedies to improve your mental health (including) stress and trauma healing! It is unbelievable what a mind-body connection can do! breathing techniques | sound healing | somatic therapy | self-care and wellness ideas
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Even if you're not working with a therapist, you can still benefit from therapy tools like the vicious flower and the worry tree.
you’ll learn how to fix your anxious attachment style with effective strategies. Learn to prioritize self-care, manage triggers, and build confidence. Discover how to express emotions constru…
A collection of free PDF mental health workbooks & worksheets based on cognitive behavioural therapy and other evidence-based therapies.
A somatic workout is a cutting-edge form of exercise. Learn how to incorporate mindful movements into your workout routine. Balance your body and mind!
Learn how somatic exercises can help reduct cortisol levels naturally and maintain long-term stress relief.
The OT discipline is built on many foundational theories. We're highlighting each of the top 25 OT frames of reference, all in one place.