The New Hampshire 11th-graders sung lyrics such as "KKK, KKK, let's kill all the blacks" after being assigned to create a jingle based on Reconstruction.
Image 5 of 20 from gallery of Shenzhen College of International Education / Li Xiaodong Atelier. Photograph by UK Studio
Image 24 of 36 from gallery of Institute at School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada / MO-OF. Programme
Check out these 3 customizable printables that focus on problem-solving, basic coding, and nutritional meals to keep the brain fueled for the year ahead!
Image 4 of 17 from gallery of Snøhetta, Studio Gang and Henning Larsen Unveil Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Designs. Photograph by Studio Gang
Have you ever felt like your home just doesn’t have that charming vibe you were hoping for, even after all the effort you put into decorating? It can be frustrating! But guess what? The good news is that you might be closer to figuring it out than you think. Some of the things you’re currently...
Stimulez la créativité et les compétences motrices de votre enfant ! Vous cherchez une façon amusante et créative de divertir vos enfants ? Les jouets classiques ennuient souvent rapidement et laissent peu de place à l'imagination. Pourquoi choisir MiniMasterpiece™ ? ✅ Plaisir Créatif Stimulant - MiniMasterpiece™ perme
Rysowanie symetryczne to ćwiczenie, które usprawnia koncentrację i spostrzegawczość. Dziecko powinno odwzorować obrazek na zasadzie odbicia lustrzanego.
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Image 12 of 21 from gallery of Benfeld Aristide Briand Primary School / Lionel Debs Architectures. Courtesy of Lionel Debs Architectures