Understanding the concept of form in art allows you to better appreciate the skill and creativity of artists, as they manipulate elements of form to achieve
Maybe you've heard the term "contemporary art" in various conversations, but do you truly understand its definition? Delving into the realm of contemporary
Where fantasy intertwines with reality by TSENG KUO CHENG.Under the theme "Bastions of the Soul artpeoplegallery
Jago is definitely one of the most talented and promising Italian sculptors today who has been dubbed as the modern Michelangelo in Italy. We had a chance to talk to him in Naples area of the inauguration of “Pieta” In […]
Artist Kathleen Ryan creates a conversation between the beautiful and the grotesque in her oversized sculptures of mold-covered fruit. The New York-based artist uses precious and semi-precious stones like malachite, opal, and smoky quartz to form the simulacrum of common green rot on each fruit. Working at a larger-than-life scale, Ryan creates a foam base,Continue reading "Moldy Fruit Sculptures Formed From Precious Gemstones Challenge Perceptions of Decoration and Decay"
Bronze sculpture of Antoninus. The girl is depicted in a complex, intricate dance. The finest movements and expressions are captured in sculpture. The sculpture conveys a myriad of emotions, tension, drama, fluidity and grace. The magnificent anatomy of the human body, superbly executed by Alexander Karat, fit into the image of this sculpture, the drapery seems to fall off the dancer's leg, giving a magnificent effect of the sculpture's airiness. Limited edition. A copy of sculpture number 3. Sculpture number 1 remains in the possession of the artist. Эта работа является уникальным оригинальным произведением искусства - Скульптура - Alexandr Karat (Грузия), Бронза на Камень. Его размеры 67x27,5 cm. Подпись художника присутствует на картине. Это произведение является частью галереи Последние произведения.
Chinese artist Luo Li Rong creates the most realistic feminine sculptures. This precise work and graceful lineaments give you an impression that the time has stopped and a second after the sculptures will move. You can almost see them breathing. Come and see! We bet you will fall in love with these
Handwerkliche Opulenz definiert unsere Kollektion handgefertigter Keramikskulpturen, die Luxus erhöhen und Ihren Wohnräumen einen Hauch von raffinierter Schönheit verleihen.
From the bizarre to the OMGWTF is that.
Buy art from Nicolae Teisanu (Free Shipping, Secured direct purchase): Sculpture titled "La prière"