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Explore the world of curse removal spells, uncovering their history, effectiveness, and ethical considerations. Discover the methods, types, and popular spells associated with curse removal.
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It is important to balance and cleanse energy in your home as well as your personal energy from time to time. In this article we will see how to do a spiritual home cleansing, using household ingredients and simple tricks. If you think you need a cleansing, I can help you. Visit my Cleansing Spell, there you can place the order and reach me out. Cleansing spirit of Home How can I know if my house is spiritually cleansed? There are some tests that you can do before starting with a ritual of spiritual cleansing in your home. I recommend you that walk through all the rooms of your house with the intention of detect and feel the energy present. Do you feel the energy light and bright? Do you feel heavy and dark? There are certain areas of the house that will feel thicker than others? Do you feel chaos or confusion in any room? How to make a spiritual cleansing If after you use your perception, you feel that it is necessary to make a spiritual cleansing, there are several types of spiritual home cleansing you can use. I have used all these methods successfully. In a nutshell: If the energy fields in the home are stagnant, these exercises will help you to cleanse them. You should know that visitors who come and go, as well as discussions and other disruptive energies, can stay in your home and disturb harmony. That is why it is important to make at least a spiritual cleansing ritual once a month. Remember, if you want me to cast a cleansing spell for you, you can place an order, JUST CLICK HERE Spiritual cleansing: 5 homemade and easy tricks 1. cleansing with Sage My favorite way to balance and cleanse energy at home is the traditional native American: burning Sage. Light it on and leave it burning a moment and then blow it by holding the sage about an ashtray, steps from a room to another singing this mantra: "Sacred Sage cleanses my house". I also use Sage to clear my own field of energy. The scent wakes powerful ancestral memories. 2 frankincense and myrrh This is another very effective way of making a spiritual house cleansing. When I need to do a cleansing really very powerful, buy incense and myrrh, and coal to be burned. It places the frankincense and myrrh, then ignites the coal and wait for the smoke to manifest itself. In a State of Holy intention, steps from a room to another while smoke cleanses spiritual energy of House. This will balance and cleanse your personal energy field too. Be sure to pour cold water on the coal once it has burned completely. Never throw a coal burning in the trash. 3. Pink blessed water Simple, sweet and very effectively ritual to make home spiritual cleansing, is through the use of the Holy rose water. Buy the best brand of essential oil of rose you can get, more expensive oils tend to be purer, and this will be better. Roses are associated with the Holy Mother, and divine feminine energy so a sweet energy will be which bring calm to your home. Put a few drops of oil in a bottle of spray with water purified. Say a prayer over the water and bless it. Walk from a room to another spraying water and cleansing your home as well. Use this water to spray around your own. This is very refreshing and easy to make. 4. the power of the angels All the archangels and their personal angels are at your service and ready to be helping you. The Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel are under your command. Request the power of these angelic energies to go walk with you through all the rooms of your home. It displays how the divine light balances and cleanses every square inch of the House. Imagine these angelic beings in a circle to your around and bathing you with light. 5. the power of Jesus You don't need to be of the Christian faith to make use of this power. It works for any faith. I always use what I work best, and this works. If you've detected the presence of really dark energies in your home or around you, is time to use a power stronger than all healer: the power of Jesus Christ. When Jesus walked the Earth in physical form, the dark energies moved away from it. The same power is available to us today. It doesn't matter what religion you are or what you believe about Jesus, is no power on the sacred name. Here is a simple sentence that can be used in the spiritual cleansing of the home: "I appeal to the power of Jesus Christ to cleanse and liberate the dark energies of my energy field and my house. I ask the angels that they escort to these energies toward the light. Amen." Caution: it is important not to curse or hate the dark energies. If they are negative energies, this will only give them more power - which will also put you in a State of fear, which is the opposite of love. Just to pronounce the sentence and leave in the hands of Jesus and the angels so that they sent all the dark energies out of your energy field. Signs of a Curse Let’s face it. Bad things happen to good people sometimes for no logical reason. Sometimes we don’t understand why illness or misfortune befalls us, and we want to know the signs of a curse. In this article, we teach you how to tell if you’re truly cursed plus teach you how to BREAK curses and reclaim the power over your life. These are the most common signs of a curse. 1. Inexplicable Illness and/or Injury 2. String of Bad Luck 3. Strange Animal Occurrences 4. Broken Glass 5. Random Negative Thoughts 6. Broken Relationships 7. Missing Personal Items 8. Bad Omens 9. Nightmares and Recurring Dreams Remove a curse This not is really a method of cleansing spiritual of houses, but if you feel you have been cursed in any form, you can use this exercise. The most powerful way to remove a curse is through the power of forgiveness and love. Feel frustration or resentment is not the best way to get out of this, only the love you away from the curse. Keep in mind that a "curse" may be simply the energetic manifestation of thoughts of envy or hatred that someone has directed towards you. This may create a pattern of chaotic energy. To do this we will use TAT energy therapy. Put your hands in the TAT position (see photo) and say: "I am cursed." Let the feelings coming to the surface and continues with the treatment. "I ask the divine light that helps me in the complete forgiveness of this person, or people, known or unknown. I release any need to get sympathy or attention due to these conditions. I ask and beg the divine light and love to cleanse and balance my energy field, my physical body, mental body, and spiritual body. I release any effect of this curse to light completely. I ask the divine light to fill my being with the power of continuous forgiveness. I am very grateful. Amen". Finally, if you need me to cast a removal spell for you, just CLICK HERE Here concludes this article on how to make a spiritual cleansing in the home. I hope that it will be useful. Continue navigating the blog to discover home remedies of white magic, black magic, love spells , and much more. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive updates from this blog and share it with your friends. Related Post Cleansing Spell If you want me to cast a spell for you, you can place an order HERE. If you want to contact me, you can do it through my email address [email protected]. Or you can find me on Facebook and Instagram Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google Plus About Me Hi, I'm Amira Asmdodea. I was born in Brazil so many years ago. There I made my first steps in religion and witchcraft. I have learned Wicca in Ireland, Voodoo in Haiti, Gypsy Tarot in Bulgaria, and I have lived for a time in New York, where I had the opportunity to meet the greatest witches of these times. if you want to know more about me, click here to read my full biography. Welcome to my website and Blessings. RELATED POSTS
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Photo post by @Lady_Abyss. Source: A Home Blessing Chant (Printable Spell Pages)
Latin Spells. Many spells and incantations used words which are pronounced to produce a change in our world, using the power of magic. Some believe that words have the power to create. Some believe that if we utter our spells in Latin, then the words of the spell acquire more power as the natural language of magic being used. Other people believe that he regardless of the language used, because words have the same power of your intention, whether you use Latin or English. Some old Latin spells have come down to us and are still used today to make protection or love spells. Test with an incantation in Latin and then you can continue working with your spells in English, to see what works best for you. Read also: 3 love spells in latin Spells in Latin Say this out loud as you look towards the sky. This is a very old spell of rain that is made to bring rain in five minutes: “Elementum recolligo Huic commodo locus mihi vestri vox. Elementum ego unda dico vos. Permissum Pluit es est meus nos sic vadum is exsisto”. Incantation in Latin for love Incantations in Latin can also make attract to your life the love you’re looking for. Use this incantation in Latin with caution, because it might work, so only use it if you are very sure of what you wish. Clear your mind and think about a person you want to attract. Say aloud: “I nunc amit me te amare simul (Name) quoque sicerit in me ex caritate.” Old latin spell to heal This spell is for minor heals, like small cuts, bruises or small scratches. Say these words out loud and close to the person who has the wound: "Tui gratia Iovis gratia sit cures." Incantation in latin to calm down the wind Stand outside and say the following words: “Venire ventus venire, sinere solus sentire relaxari, venire nunc nunc venire, venire venire venire.” Spell to read the mind of someone - advanced This spell allows you to think or feel like the person that do the spell. You must be close to the person when you do the spell. You will need a picture of the person and an open mind. Meditate for a few minutes, focusing on the person in question. Pronounce this incantation in Latin out loud while you look at the picture: “Accerso alius sententia ut mihi, phasmatis of interregnum ego dico, solvo meus mens mei, ego dico phasmatis audite meus placitum meus mens quod iacio (person's name).” It is believed that Latin spells involve a magical power much stronger than any other language spells. Watch this post in youtube However, this depends on each sorcerer and his personal experience. Try these spells in Latin and leave a comment here telling us your experience. Here concludes this article about Spells in Latin, please feel free to ask any question you want or write to [email protected] if you want me to cast a spell for you! Blessings! If you want me to cast a spell for you, you can place an order HERE. If you want to contact me, you can do it through my email address [email protected]. Or you can find me on Facebook and Instagram Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google Plus About Me Hi, I'm Amira Asmdodea. I was born in Brazil so many years ago. There I made my first steps in religion and witchcraft. I have learned Wicca in Ireland, Voodoo in Haiti, Gypsy Tarot in Bulgaria, and I have lived for a time in New York, where I had the opportunity to meet the greatest witches of these times. if you want to know more about me, click here to read my full biography. Welcome to my website and Blessings. RELATED POSTS
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