Helping parents entertain their kids without screen time.
Örök nyári bakancslista. Erre a nyárra is. Szemezgess belőle, egészítsd ki, valósítsd meg! 50 kön...
What's Better Than Water Balloons... Sponge Balls!!!: Every summer we make a large batch of sponge balls for the kids to enjoy in stead of water balloons. We do this for several reasons. Once made they can be enjoyed all summer if taken care of properly. The clean up is real easy since there aren't any…
Mátyás király és Aragóniai Beatrix lakodalmán a fejedelmek, hercegek, grófok, püspökök, zászlós urak és lovagok mellett a nép is mulatott...
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Emlékeztek? :-) Gyerekkorom egyik kedvence volt, de talán mostanra kicsit feledésbe merült, mint a gumizás, és társai. Pedig egyszerű és gyors játék a gyereknek: rajzoljuk meg közösen a hajtogatós lapot, majd mehet a mondóka! Ahhoz, hogy a gyereknek sikerélménye legyen érdemes előre elkészíteni a hajtott lapot, és a rajzot, hogy arról átmásolja. Vágjunk ki egy
Heute bauen wir uns ein Haus aus Zeitungspapier. Das wird so groß und stabil, dass wir sogar darin sitzen können.
Download free printables for the classroom here
The activities below are available for free download, and are to be used in educational and/or private settings. They may not be used elsewhere or for other purposes (such as for profit) unless exp…
Create amazing shrinky plastic crafts with these traceable printable shrinky dink patterns. 23 free templates!
Board Games are fun. Board Games are exciting. Board Games are… not free. But these are. Save yourself some money, a trip to the store and closet space with these Printable Board Games. Print a blank Monopoly board, play snakes and ladders (uhm, shoot and ladders was the BEST game when I was young). Take […]
En cette période de confinement, les enfants on besoin de mettre en avant leur besoin de bouger et leur créativité. Ces olympiades son diffé
This Awesome Anatomy coloring page is all about the human eye, and makes a handy study tool as well!
Related posts: Countries of the World Coloring Pages Educational australia Printable 2020 360 Coloring4free Antarctica Coloring Pages Countries of the World Educational Printable 2020 379 Coloring4free Australia Coloring Pages Countries of the World Educational Printable 2020 388 Coloring4free Australia Coloring Pages Countries of the World Educational Printable 2020 384 Coloring4free Brazil Coloring Pages Countries of […]
Pour dynamiser la dernière semaine de cette loooongue période 5, mes collègues et moi avons décidé d’organiser cette année les premières Olympiades de l’école. Notre but était de créer un évènement sportif et ludique pour permettre aux enfants de toutes...
9 free printable sports connect the dots activity pages for kids.
Welcome to day 3 of the circus ! Juggling under the Big Top is a must. My mother's vintage rag balls were the inspiration for making some m...
Olympic Rings Abstract Art Project- fun and simple art project based on the Olympic Rings. My After School Art Class is doing an Olympics art project! Learn the history of the Olympic games. Understand the meaning of the Olympic rings
Spud is definitely on my top 10 list of games to play with a large group of children in an outdoor space or indoor gym. All you need is a soft ball to toss around and one adult or child who is not playing. To start, the person who is not playing, whispers a number […]
I found out about Shrinky Dink two weeks ago when browsing Pinterest and immediatialy thought that using it would be a perfect fit for S...
“I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow.”-Sylvia Plath Drawing and painting with light and shadow is one of my absolute ...