March 2012 marks our 110th anniversary. Here, we look back on the different eras of DIY that PM helped to forgeand the hard-nosed, self-reliant attitude of our readers that defined the last century-plus of doing it yourself.
How do you teach the kinds of creative thinking skills that kids in the 21st Century really need? Find out here...
30+ engineering STEM challenges with simple materials. Kids can tinker with bridges, catapults, boats, and more using recycled and inexpensive materials.
Tinkering is about playing, exploring, experimenting and setting imaginations on fire! Build a tinker space and ignite a passion for learning.
What is Tinkering? Tinkering is the first step in the Experiential Learning continuum. Experiential Learning is the process of learning through experience but can be more specifically defined as "learning through reflection on doing". ... Beginning in t
Get your makerspace ready! These maker activities for kids will challenge children to tinker, build, tackle tough problems, and learn by doing!
Explore stevenbley's 10421 photos on Flickr!
Get your makerspace ready! These maker activities for kids will challenge children to tinker, build, tackle tough problems, and learn by doing!
"Detroit: Become Human" Android LED Ring: Hi! I'm going to Anime Expo this weekend and I wanted to cosplay as an Android from my current favorite game, Detroit: Become Human. It's one of the simplest cosplays to make... or so I thought. You see, I tinker with stuff here and there, but when …
At the request of Crea with Kids The message is clear, give them to her! You can draw that with colored pencil, marker, paint, wax crayon or other materials. You can dodle hair, you can paste with threads of wool, macaroni, pieces of paper or colored Egshells. You can also think of leaves, moss, twigs, confetti, ornamental sand or clay. Actually, you can't think of it so crazy! Below you can see that Crea with Kids has also given hair, by ...
Take a look at these inspirational play based learning experiences for your classroom - and they're curriculum aligned to boot!