the little girl, wide-eyed with curiosity, couldn't contain her excitement. As soon as her father entered the door, she exclaimed
In November 2020, the life of young skateboarder Brooklinn Khoury was divided into before and after: she fell victim to a pit bull attack. However, this did not shatter her self-belief and love for life. We admire her resilience and courage and are eager to share her story with you.
In 2009, Susan Boyle took the stage on Britain's Got Talent and introduced herself to the world. Why have we heard so little about her these days?
Life can be pretty routine, but then out of nowhere, BAM! You’re hit with something unexpected. Whether it’s something spooky or hilarious, it’s only natural to want to tell others about it, because, hey, who doesn’t love a good story?
Fact Republic is where curiosity meets clarity. Discover random, history, and uncommon facts about everyday life. Uncover the unbelievable and unknown
Back in medieval times, people began to use last names to distinguish persons who had the same first name from each other. As the custom of using last names became more and more common, another thing it began to be used for was to denote which family the person in question belonged to. Hence the word “family name,” by the way.
Nearly everyone knows by now to think twice before throwing their opinions out in the open. Sure, some might end up being forgotten and ultimately fall into oblivion, but others are simply too bad to be ignored. And when you stumble upon them online, you often laugh hard but cringe even harder.
For many years, our parents and grandparents have lived by a set of rules that were considered normal. “Get married when you’re 20 years old,” “That’s not for men,” “Boys don’t cry” — how many times have we heard something like this? But life goes on, the times are changing, and now we see many things from a different angle.
A girlfriend and boyfriend walked into the girlfriends house and the girlfriend said to her mom, “Mom, me and my boyfriend are going up to
Not sure what to post on Instagram stories every day? Try these popular instagram story ideas to wake up your followers and get engaged.
Ever seen Katsushika Hokusai's famous painting, Great Wave Off Kanagawa? Probably. But have you ever seen it painted on somebody's lips? Probably not.
Forrest Gump was right, life really is like a box of chocolates—you never know what you’re going to get. Most often, it’s a mixed bag: there’s a lot of bad with the good and good with the bad. However, some days are pretty one-sided.
“Guys, am I tripping, or did Kylie Jenner just rip off my entire collection?” the fashion designer asked.
Embracing yourself and coming to terms with your appearance can take years. But some people are born with genes that make them stand out even more than us regular folks. Because of this, getting through the day can be a lot harder. That's why it's so awesome to see those who aren't hiding and are confident in their skin.
Although everyone's been talking about the harm of social media to our mental health and are no longer taking everything that’s shared there for granted, photo editing apps are still in the game. And it seems like they won’t be going away any time soon.
These maps shed light on the true scope of things and may even help you obtain a more worldly perspective.
In 2002 Matthew Grabelsky graduated from Rice University with a BA in Art and Art History and a BS in Astrophysics. Science taught me how to observe the world, and art has allowed me to express my relationship to it. Since 2006, I have focused on creating paintings that combine the physical world that people see every day with imagery from mythology and dreams, he wrote on his Saatchi Art profile.
Humor is like the gaffer tape of parenting - it fixes almost everything.
Storytelling is so powerful! So how we go beyond the buzzwordness of storytelling and actually tell great stories through our photos? Here are our tips and thoughts…
Tumblr Story: The Epic Saga Of Goat Guy - The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
Here’s the truth and nothing but the truth—we have a massive soft spot for hilarious signs. And whenever we come across some during our digital hikes through social media, we can’t wait to share them with you, Pandas. After all, a few good laughs can brighten pretty much anyone’s day.
I created EFC from an elephant I drew as a child, in memory of my mom, who adored elephants! Thanks for stopping in!
There’s nothing like a bit of contrast and historical perspective to make you reevaluate what's going on in the world now. Many people, especially those living in the West, still have very little understanding of what everyday life was like behind the Iron Curtain. That’s where the ‘Soviet Visuals’ social media project comes in. It collects and shares historical photos, propaganda posters, illustrations, and architectural images from the USSR in order to give people a better understanding of the Soviet and post-Soviet eras.
Beauty is a multifaceted and constantly-changing thing. The flow is the same as in the fashion world — while thin brows and impressive makeup were trendy yesterday, today, society appreciates a more natural look. This is clearly reflected in the film industry and with pop stars — while some try hard to look younger and follow fashion trends, others, on the contrary, adhere to a chosen style over many years and oftentimes end up being remembered by viewers even more.
I don’t know about you, but personally, every New Year, I make a solemn vow to myself to do something (or not to do something), and sometimes I even write these promises down in a notepad somewhere. Only to open this notepad on the same page 365 days later, laugh heartily... and make another New Year's resolution.
This mom-to-be decided to name her baby after a fish, but her sister did not think it was a good idea.
People on TikTok are joining a trend of showing appreciation to their loved ones and telling them they are enough just the way they are and it is truly heartwarming.
Lots Of Money And A Team Of Stylists Can't Save These Celebrities From Fashion Disasters
Been wanting to write a short story but can't think of any short story ideas? Read this post for short story ideas + writing inspiration!
Joyce Meyer is a Christian speaker, known for her charismatic and messages. Lately Joyce Meyer Plastic Surgery flop is a big topic.
Adding a link to Instagram Stories in 2025 could not be easier, using the link sticker. See IG's five styles and how to add your own style.
Swear words and insults are an inescapable part of life. In fact, it’s hard to imagine humanity ever becoming so peaceful and kind that nobody would ever have anything bad to say about anyone else. There’s always going to be friction. Different perspectives, values, and agendas are always going to clash.But for some people, simple and direct insults, though powerful, can get pretty mundane. User u/CoatedTrout4 recently inspired the r/AskReddit community to share their favorite subtle and creative insults that are beyond devastating. We’ve collected some of their most imaginative ones to share with you. Scroll down to check them out! Though, keep in mind, insulting someone 'for fun' is a great way to lose friends—it's not something to be played around with.
You’re free to live your life as you please, so long as you’re not harming anyone. I stand by that statement because I believe that autonomy, the freedom of choice, and the ability to decide for ourselves what’s truly best for us are what separates civilization from chaos. The grown-up thing to do is to respect each other’s rational choices, even if we might do things differently ourselves. So, for instance (and full disclosure): I come from a large family and I want to have a large family of my own, however, I know that having children isn’t the right choice for everyone. I’m fine with that. Some others? Not so much.