Folded card for Jenny Holzer's exhibition, Truisms and Inflammatory Essays: A Text Installation Work, Amelie A. Wallace Gallery, SUNY College at Old Westbury, March 12 - 31, 1984. 5.5 x 8.5in. 11 x 8.5in when open. inside of card backside of card
Feeling stuck? Have no fear. Even adults can learn how to have fun by being more present and leaning into playfulness, connection, and flow.
Jenny Holzer, 1977–79
Gaza is everywhere across the artist’s Guggenheim show, but you wouldn’t know it.
Most of us have heard the same old “truisms” repeated over and over again throughout our lives, but ultimately, only life experience can actually teach us how things really work. You can’t replicate it, you can’t “learn” it, the only way to get it is just to live and keep on living. But through the magic of the internet, we can at least pick some older folk’s brains on the topic. Someone asked “Older people, what is 100% pure BS?” and netizens shared the various things that they have found to be false. SO get comfortable as you read through, upvote the ones you agree with and be sure to add your own contributions in the comments section below.
Are human beings made of three body parts comprising of the body, soul and spirit or to body parts comprising of the body and soul? This is based on different theories, dichotomy and trichotomy. While
Jenny Holzer, "Truisms," offset poster, edition of c. 75, stamped "© 1978 Jenny Holzer," 17 x 22 in. Special shipping required. Please contact to determine costs and options. Full Poster Detail Detail with stamped date and signature This is
"My mistakes helped me get a clearer insight into my son, and they helped change my perception of autism for better."