You dont have to own property to homestead! We get fresh eggs daily from our indoor set up. It holds ups to 18 quail and at an egg a day we have more than enough for ourselves and our furry helpers...
Rabbit Hutch: Give your rabbits a home of their own that doesn't take up a lot of space. This rabbit hutch has two cages stacked to create a compact house. Two Level Design: This 2 level bunny hutch has an upper level to give your pets a place to rest, while the lower level provides a more open area for your pets to play. Easy Access: This rabbit cage outdoor makes things simple for you. You can open the cage with multiple side doors that can close. Then, two pull-out trays for easy access to the inside space for cleaning, feeding, and more. Suitable for Outdoors and Inside: Keep animals sheltered from the weather with this quail hutch. Your pets are comfortable with the composite asphalt roof that protects them from the rain and shades on sunny days. Rabbit Hutch Information: Overall Dimensions: 53.75" L x 19.75" W x 36.5" H.
How to hatch and raise quail eggs organically for treatment of allergy.
Raising quail on the ground in a coop allows natural behaviors, better egg production, and easier maintenance. Follow these 8 steps to care for them.
Learn Coturnix Quail Breed - a small, efficient, and dual-purpose bird with egg and meat production. Start your poultry journey today with them!
Today, we’re continuing to show you how much space it takes to grow feed for the animals on your homestead. In this post, I’m going to share what to feed your rabbit, the basics of their nutritional needs, how to grow rabbit feed, how much feed your rabbits need, and how much space it takes to… Read More »How to Grow Rabbit Feed on Your Homestead
What To Feed Quail For Laying Eggs? Feed handmade or commercial quail feed. Also, greens, fruits, insects, or grains are good for layer quail.
Bryan in Atlanta sent in photos of his finished Garden Coop walk-in chicken coop, which he expanded so that he could keep bees and chickens together. I found the idea fascinating, so I asked him to explain how his plan to incorporate a bee hive informed his chicken coop build. The rest of this post comes directly ... Read more
This spring, I decided to take the leap and add Coturnix quail to my backyard, both for the eggs, and as garden helpers! Poultry manure makes amazing compost, and the tiny little eggs are so fun fo…
Want to learn how to butcher quail? This article on how to butcher quail for beginners will walk you through the extract steps!
Are you debating whether or not quail for you? There are more benefits of raising quail than negatives. Take a look at a few of my favorites!
From eggs to meat, quail are a homestead favorite! Learn how to raise these birds successfully with tips on housing, feeding, and care.
If you want to raise your own food source, egg or meat, but don't have big space in your backyard, then raising quail is a great option. Here's why.
Detailed quail coop plans for a two-cage backyard quail coop. Written for beginners with every step explained. Ideal for up to 16 quail.
Learn the importance of providing adequate space for Coturnix quail in an aviary. Discover how to create a safe and stimulating environment for your quail.
This hutch has an open roof and is designed to be kept in a garage or shed, out of the elements. Casters make for easy moving and cleaning. It has two levels that are both 2ft deep by 4ft wide. It is made with a wood frame but has all-wire sides, roof, and floor for sanitation and ease of cleaning.
See how raising quail on the ground can simplify your life. Read how to create an ideal natural environment for your quail.
Quail are a small bird which are becoming more and more popular as an option for a backyard flock. They produce delicious and nutritious eggs as well as tasty meat. Their small size, quiet nature, and adaptability makes them ideal for almost any environment.
Looking for a DIY quail coop? You can make a cozy and nice home for your quails with these 20 easy DIY quail cage plans and ideas. These free quail cage plans are easy to follow and have clear instructions and pictures to help you. Whether you want to build a simple backyard quail coop or a fancy two-story quail hutch, you will find a plan that suits your skills and tastes. You can choose from a modern DIY quail coop, a stacked coturnix quail cage with an egg tray, or a single-tier quail cage from Dale's Quails. You can
Raising Coturnix quail is easy. They are great beginner birds. They are small birds making only a small footprint on your homestead.
Greenhouse Extension - Making a Safe Living, Nesting & Brooding Area for Organic Coturnix Quail: The above films show both the initial build and impromptu 'opening ceremony' and also how the space was adapted for the Winter months. I started keeping quail in 2000 to obtain organic therapeutic grade eggs to heal my husband's hay fever, which he …