Renovated Paris apartment showcases minimalist design with natural materials and curved furniture.
Durante 60 años este piso de París perteneció al mismo hombre. Hoy se reinventa y se actualiza para pasar a manos de una joven familia.
Check out my renter-friendly, affordable apartment makeover—from basic and beige to a bright, boho, modern space full of plants and DIYs!
Renting is fun… until you realize you can't go full HGTV and knock down walls, install marble countertops, or paint your kitchen in that trendy sage green
How first-time renovator Laura Schuijers designed and project managed an inspiring transformation of her 34 square metre Melbourne apartment.
We have 20 bathroom makeovers- changes that you can easily do yourself. Take that awful bathroom BEFORE photo into a beautiful and obtainable AFTER!
Entre jeux d'optiques et clin d'oeil aux années 70, cet appartement parisien déploie ses nombreux atouts stylistiques suite à une réhabilitation complète orchestrée par l'architecte Thomas Housinger. Couleurs et coups de coeur garantis !
L’espace repensé propose un nouvel agencement des pièces, organisé par un couloir central et adapté au style de vie des clients.
Create a welcoming entry with ideas featured in the most-saved new entryway photos on Houzz