Bring beauty into your home with Mary Bea Art's stunning paper prints! Petoskey artist Mary Bea is known for her nature-inspired works that capture the vibrancy and joy of sunsets, flowers, trees, waves, and landscapes. Each print is bursting with color and energy, making it the perfect addition to any room in your home or office. These colorful and joyful works of art also make for great gifts for art lovers or anyone who wants to bring a touch of natural beauty into their lives. The images are sized to a 1/2 inch margin within the sheet. Depending on the proportions of the original painting, margin sizes will vary. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of this vibrant and inspiring art - order your prints today!
Printing with leaves, flowers, and other found objects allows you to create decorative patterns and works of art that capture the beauty of nature. Photo © Adam Mastoon. You can make beautiful stat…
The natural world not only inspires artist Raku Inoue – it also supplies his materials
“The embroidery is growing and the tangles in the pieces make evident the constant transformation of nature.”
Rindenmaske – tolle herbstliche Bastelidee für Kinder: Wie man eine Maske aus Baumrinde basteln kann. So entstehen wilde Waldwesen, die ...