Apps for the Art Classroom. I’ve been teaching with iPads for a number of years now & I thought I’d share what Apps I’ve been using & found success with.
This free printable set of famous artists worksheets 12 pages to make it fun to learn all about these creative individuals.
Learn about the art and life of Alma Woodsey Thomas with these free printables about Alma Thomas Woodsey for kids.
Welcome to the How-To Guide for First Year Art Teachers where I give you my 10 Steps for Success! Congratulations! You got your own classroom. OH MY GOSH, you have your own classroom. Your mind and stomach start racing, both with extreme excitement and panic because now, it all just got real. You will have a lot of students, a lot of planning, and a lot of classroom to keep organized. Figuring out where to even start is a huge stress and will require a tea (or a beer) and a nap (probably some Netflix too).
Use this drawing resource worksheet to guide your students through Basquiat inspired portraits! ...
With Piet Mondrian’s compositions in red, yellow, and blue, he is the perfect artist to be able to tie art history and primary colours together. Before doing the project, show the students o…
Art Festival and Family Art Night- How to run a Family Art Night. Increase attendance and promote your art department with engaging art activities.
Start with a square. Cut the top and add to the right (90 degrees). Cut the bottom and add to the left (90 degrees). Trace your design on ...
I created this culture jars art lesson for an 'Art and World Cultures' class, and continue to use it in art classes because it is so well received. This
Ein interaktives Arbeitsblatt, das Schüler für die Herstellung von Kunstwerken, die von Matisse inspiriert sind, begeistern soll. Durch die Erforschung organischer Formen und die Komposition von Collagen werden sich die Schüler mit der Schaffung eines Kunstwerks befassen, auf das sie wirklich stolz sein können. Lieferumfang: Datenblatt Übungsseite und Anleitung Erfahre mehr über diesen Artikel
Are you an aspiring artist or someone who loves to explore different drawing techniques? If so, this texture line drawing techniques worksheet is perfect for you. With this worksheet, you can enhance your skills in creating beautiful and detailed textures using various line techniques. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, this worksheet will provide you with valuable insights and practice opportunities to take your artwork to the next level.