A violent crime happens every 25 seconds in the U.S. but it's important not to live in fear. Be prepared with these 17 self-defense techniques.
This issue has come up in Question 21.1 from the first paper of 2014. The candidates were invited to label a diagram of a dermatome-mapped homunculus. In order to supply the candidates with a readily available visual reference for this question, I have reproduced two free Wikipedia images in this revision article.
Acupressure is an ancient technique to relieve pain, and cure the body from different kinds of ailments. The science behind this practice is a well-studied one about how different points on the hands…
The human body is an amazing thing. But apart from the tremendous opportunities it gives us, it also makes us vulnerable. Indeed, unlike Achilles, the body of an ordinary person has more than just one sensitive point...
Move away from your computer or cell phone for the next 10 minutes. If your only choice is to perform this ritual at your desk, switch off your device during this period. Place your feet flat on the ground as you sit upright yet relaxed in a chair. Take a deep breath, and as you ... Read more