The Renaissance is the period that began around the 14th century and ended at the late 16th century, traditionally associated primarily with the Italian region. The ideas and images of the Renaissance largely determined...
Want to feel like the great Leonardo da Vinci? This lesson is for you! I will teach you how to draw Mona Lisa quickly and easily.
Free, printable Easy Mona Lisa coloring page for kids. Print it out or color it online.
I've been painting since I was little. I loved bringing to life all the stories and fantastic characters that were living in my head. Later, art helped me to get through many dark days that came along. My colors and brushes became my therapist, my canvases, my friend, and everything I was feeling was illustrated with their help. Since becoming a mother I've circled back to my childhood fantasy painting. It connects me to my inner child and brings back that magical time of innocence.
Draw Mona Lisa's Face Template...