Hast du auch ein bisschen zu viele Rezepte? Vielleicht wollten Sie schon immer ein personalisiertes Kochbuch gestalten, wissen aber nicht, wo Sie anfangen sollen? Such nicht weiter! Über den Vorlagen-Link kannst du die Kochbuch-Vorlage bearbeiten und deine eigene erstellen! Erfahre mehr über diesen Artikel
Blank printable recipe cards streamline your kitchen organization, offering a handy, customizable way to store and share your favorite recipes. By jotting down ingredients and instructions on these cards, you can quickly reference essential information while cooking, keeping your culinary experiments organized and accessible.
Recipe Template for your personal collection of recipes! Edit on your laptop/tablet or handwrite onto these printables directly. Never forget your favourite dishes or your family traditional dishes again. Keep record of every step, tip and ingredient Recipe Cards,Meal Prep,Meal planning,Recipe Sheets,Recipe Template,Secret Recipe,Recipe Book template,Family Recipe, EDITABLE Recipe Sheet Template, Recipe Cards, Minimal Recipe Binder, 8.5x11 Printable Farmhouse, Food Planner Journal Recipe Cards, Minimal Recipe Binder,Printable Farmhouse, Food Planner Journal
This recipe spread Valerie crafted is my very favorite page that can be found in her own Keepsake Kitchen Diary. What really made it special was the way in which she created it – humming a little and with a concentrated look, anyone could see that Valerie was creating without a plan. The page ended up being an expression of herself (bright and free!) because she let the design be a source of joy instead of anxiety. Amazing things happen when you let yourself BE yourself. Tools used to craft this spread included: Colored pencils, tombow dual brush pens to draw the small lemons, a micron pen to write in the recipe. and magazine clippings (We love using old copies of Flow Magazine. It’s filled with endless opportunities for gorgeous cut-outs)! With a recipe from Yvette van Boven’s book Home Made Summer, we hope this latest Kitchen Diary spread and accompanying recipe brings you inspiration and a smile. Yvette van Boven’s Preserved Lemons Ingredients: – 2 one-quart canning jars – 12 lemons – 3 1/2 lbs. sea salt – 1/4 cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice – Boiling Water Directions: 1) Thoroughly rinse lemons 2) Partially split them into quarters from top to bottom with a knife. […]
Bullet journals provide a fun way to organize thoughts, tasks, and goals. Use these inspiring spreads to get your creative juices flowing.
viii, 156 p. 20 cm