Use this DIY Recipe to make an essential oil DIY Throat spray with honey to take away pain and heal your immune system.
Diese 120 ml Flasche mit magischem Halsspray ist ein ganz natürliches Heilmittel gegen Halsschmerzen und hilft, Ihren Husten zu lindern. Es wird mit Marshmallow-Wurzel, Salbeiwurzel und Echinaceawurzel hergestellt, die dafür bekannt sind, eine gesunde Lunge zu unterstützen und das Immunsystem zu stärken. Schließlich wird es mit lokalem rohem, ungefiltertem Honig und ätherischem Pfefferminzöl angereichert, um Ihnen das perfekte, schnell wirkende Halsspray zu geben. Wir verwenden in keinem unserer Produkte künstliche Zutaten, Farbstoffe, Zucker oder Duftstoffe.
Use this DIY Recipe to make an essential oil DIY Throat spray with honey to take away pain and heal your immune system.
Make a quick and easy throat spray using herbal tinctures (or tea) and honey. A delicious way to treat sore throats, coughs, and colds!
Well, where is the DIY Throat Spray when you need it? Answer here on my blog just for you! It is also lucky for you singers out there - this recipe is perfect for you and anyone else who has a speaking role. Oh, the changing of the seasons. . . .how we dread it. But not this year!! These wonderful oils are to the rescue!! Keep your throat clear and healthy with this amazing throat spray! I think this would be one of those things you throw into your bag when you go on holiday. Don't know about you but as soon as I slow down things have a way of catching up with me. So let's do it! This is what you need: 10 drops Thieves Vitality essential oil 2-3 drops Peppermint Vitality essential oil 2-3 drops Lemon Vitality essential oil 3-4 drops Copaiba Vitality essential oil 1 1/2 ounces distilled water 2 ounce Amber Glass Spray bottle Add all drops of oil to the bottle. Fill to almost full with distilled water. *Shake before each use.” Spray the back of the throat as often as every 30 minutes. Optional addition: honey to taste, 1/4 tsp salt. #themix #DIY ******************************************** If you liked this recipe you might want to join our 14 Day Chemical Free Challenge with #noyuckgurantee - There are heaps of units in here to help you go toxin-free in your home. Or alternatively, If you want to order your essential oils (I highly recommend Young Living) and I suggest you start with a Premier Kit because there are many benefits to you if you do that. It sets you up to get 24% off your products and it gives you access to "The Mix Community" - exclusive to people who are part of this amazing community with over 20,000 positive people all living toxin free.
This soothing spray helps to relieve sore throats while combating viral invaders, irritation, and inflammation. It can be used for daily prevention as well!
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Sore throats can be uncomfortable symptoms of a cold or flu. This herbal sore throat spray gets the herbs where they are needed most.
Common cold, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, allerigies, air pollution, first hand or second hand smoke cigarettes are causes of tickle in throat.
Natural Homeopathic Cough and Cold Remedies for Babies and Toddlers! Is your baby having trouble sleeping because of a runny nose or cough…