ART WALKING STICKS We specializes in high-grade canes and walking sticks. Some of us need support when walking, so we use canes. But a person with a cane may attract attention not by his gait, but by his elegant and unique walking stick! We offer high quality canes made of natural wood and with a unique design! Made with our own hands with love and understanding of our business. We specializes in high-grade canes and walking sticks. This beautiful walking stick will be handmade from scratch for you. It will have high quality work. All our sticks are made of natural wood (not a plastic). Design by ARTWalkingSticks Details: + Walking Stick / Walking cane + Carved + Measures about 32" - 42" inches long + Cane is new and absolutely no damage. The surface is smooth, clean and gorgeus. The cane took upon itself the function of not only supporting during walking, for people who need it, but also gained the importance of an accessory. The cane has become very popular as an accessory among aristocrats. Every self-respecting gentleman considered it obligated to have such an attribute of prosperity. The presence of the cane was not only the privilege of men, but also of women, who at all times were subject to fashion. The variety of types of canes was constantly increasing, and their decoration became richer and richer. The owners of this attribute did not spare any means to show their status and stand out, encrusting the canes with noble metals, precious stones, and even ivory. A special indicator of prosperity was the presence of a whole collection of canes of all kinds and purposes. You can order a cane of any size. Support: up to 300 lbs Size: 31" - 44" inches We produce 120 walking sticks, canes which you can view by clicking on the link: Thank you for visiting our shop! If you do not know what size of a cane you need, please go here:
Making your own canes & walking sticks is a fun and easy way to connect with the forest and the outdoors. Click to learn the basics right here.
Gehstock aus Holz, Gehstock für Senioren, Gehstock für Männer, Gehstock für Männer, Gehstock für Männer, Runder Griff für Frauen -25% SALE 🎁 -35% RABATT BEIM KAUF VON 2+ ARTIKELN 🎩 Klassische Gehstock - Ein außergewöhnlich stilvolles Stabilitäts- und Ausstellungsstück. Jeder Stock ist mit viel Liebe zum Detail handgeschnitzt und verwandelt ein funktionales Beweglichkeitswerkzeug in einen außergewöhnlichen Gehstock, perfekt für Liebhaber von raffinierter Eleganz und von der Natur inspirierter Ästhetik. Dieses atemberaubende Einzelstück kombiniert das Symbol der Anmut und Reinheit mit dem Komfort und der natürlichen Anziehungskraft von fachmännisch handgeschnitztem Holz. Länge: 30"|31"|32"|33"|34"|35"|36"|37"|38"|39"|40"|41"" Farbe des Griffs - Ahorn, Eiche Holz - handgefertigt aus hochwertigem Ahornholz. Spitze aus Polyurethan (Gummi). Länge und Farbe der Cane können an Ihre individuellen Wünsche angepasst werden. Unterstützt bis zu 100 kg. Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie größeres Gewicht haben. Der Gehstock aus Holz wird aus hochwertigem, nachhaltig gewonnenem Holz gefertigt und bietet einen robusten und zuverlässigen Gehstock, der keine Kompromisse beim Stil eingeht. Der Schaft dieses handgefertigten Gehstocks ist sorgfältig geschliffen und glatt geschliffen, was einen angenehmen Griff ermöglicht. Wir fühlen uns zutiefst geehrt jede Rute individuell für deinen persönlichen Gebrauch anzufertigen! 🔎 MEHR FINDEN IN MEINEM SHOP
The Free Form Ironwood Walking Stick, also known as American Hornbeam, is a popular choice for those seeking an extremely strong stick coupled with a one-of-a-kind look and feel. Please note that it is common for ironwood sticks to have cracks, especially on the ends. These naturally formed cracks do not inhibit the stability of ironwood staffs in any way. Free Form Ironwood Walking Stick owners can feel confident that when walking through trails or hiking through dense forests, their ironwood staff will be an invaluable support that will offer reliability for years to come. Its bark -- resembling a deer antler -- is naturally ridged. The staff is carefully cut, sanded smoothly, and sprayed with a protective clear coat lacquer bringing out rich contrasts between darker areas (those deeper inside its ridges) and lighter areas of the bark. Like all of our handcrafted products, the Free Form Ironwood Walking Stick is made in the USA by our skilled craftsmen using the highest quality materials and time-tested methods.
all walking staffs Are made from crate Myrtle trees And are virtually unbreakable. They are all handcrafted With healing stones and crystals. You also have the option to have custom carved wood spirits. This can all be made to order.
Carver, painter, pyrographer, jewelry maker and author are just a few of the titles that Lora S. Irish holds. And she is extremely accomplished in all of them. She has written more than 30 books, including Wood Spirits and Green Men, Pyrography Basics, Great Book of Woodburning, Chip Carving Workshop, and Wildlife Ca
all walking staffs Are made from crate Myrtle trees And are virtually unbreakable. They are all handcrafted With healing stones and crystals. You also have the option to have custom carved wood spirits. This can all be made to order.
Carving walking sticks is an enjoyable and rewarding hobby that can be done by anyone with a little bit of patience and the right tools. It is a great way to