Apr 4, 2021

The Shirk Report – Volume 510

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Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Facebook, Twitter, and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to [email protected]



– Friday!
– Ever forgotten how to drink?
– Ever been captivated by a photo of food?
– I see what you did there
– Checkmate Super Blood Wolf Moon
– “I mean he probably wasn’t even hurt anyway”
– Wait for it
– Meanwhile on the other end of the spectrum
– Spotted: this woman using loaves of bread to kneel down and reach the bottom shelf
– This response to a Lady Gaga tweet is perfect
– Well this hit harder than it should have
– Smashing
– Largest trash panda I’ve ever seen
– Life comes at you fast
– A++
– Why do I find this so satisfying
– I’ve been harbouring this guilt for too long
– Parenting can be so fulfilling. Also parenting
– Show me something more adorable
– Okay this is close
– Until next week



– Why Your Cat Thinks You’re a Huge, Unpredictable Ape
– AI is better at bluffing than professional gamblers
– The European Union just cancelled McDonald’s trademark for Big Macs. Wait, what?
– I Tried to Block Amazon From My Life. It Was Impossible.
– What I Learned from a Month on the Carnivore Diet
– How a Group of Daring Bootleggers Created NASCAR
– No One Is Prepared for Hagfish Slime
– Why you can’t tickle yourself
– Where Amazon Returns Go to Be Resold by Hustlers
– More savage than Caravaggio: the woman who took revenge in oil


5 VIDEOS + do that conga













Here’s to a Delicious Weekend



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