Apr 8, 2021

This Guy Printed out the Terms of Service for the World’s Most Popular Apps

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Dima Yarovinsky


“I Agree” is a project by designer Dima Yarovinsky that visually showcases the lengthy ‘terms of service’ we agree to in order to use the world’s most popular online services like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Tinder.

The project was part of an artist’s showcase on display at the Visualizing Knowledge 2018 Conference earlier this month in Helsinki, Finland.

[h/t DesignBoom]


Dima Yarovinsky


I took the content of the “terms of service” of the leading online services that we use on a daily basis (including Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Tinder etc.). I’ve printed them on a standard A4 wide scroll with a standard legal contract font size and type. After printing these so-called terms, I hung the scrolls in the gallery at the academy, added the number of words and the time it takes to read each scroll on the floor. My main goal was to emphasize how small, helpless and harmful we are against these giant corporates.


Dima Yarovinsky


According to Yarovinsky, the average person reads at a rate of 200 words per minute while a standard ‘terms of service’ agreement contains 11,972 words. That means that even if a user did attempt to read the terms before agreeing to them, it would take approximately 60 minutes.


Dima Yarovinsky


Dima Yarovinsky


Dima Yarovinsky


Dima Yarovinsky


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