Jul 15, 2021

Every Year this Entire Town Shuts Down to Have Dinner Together in the Streets

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Photograph by C. Viera/Ultimahora.es


Every year, on the 3rd Friday of September, the small village of Binissalem, Mallorca shuts down to have dinner in the streets. People from all over the island converge in this small town—best known for its incredible wine—to drink and be merry.


Photograph by M. À. Cañellas/Ultimahora.es


The event is known locally as ‘Sopar a la fresca’ and city council estimates that nearly 20,000 people participate in the communal meal—a huge turnout considering the town itself only has a population of approximately 8,000 people. The annual dinner is part of a larger event that happens every September, a huge wine festival called the ‘Festa des Vermar’.


Photograph by M. À. Cañellas/Ultimahora.es


According to local resident and reddit user hermanodesconocido, everyone contributes. People bring their own tables and chairs and you make arrangements for food with your neighbours. Some cook, others help set up while others decorate. It’s a communal event and people help out where they can. Apparently it’s also a tradition to eat noodles with lamb on this day.


Photograph by M. À. Cañellas/Ultimahora.es


Photograph by M. À. Cañellas/Ultimahora.es


Photograph by Pere Bota/Ultimahora.es



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