Aprende el ABC del Ayurveda, esta ciencia de vida unida a la naturaleza, que nos ayuda a entender cual es nuestro ciclo vital aquí y ahora.
Discover Ashwagandha for PCOS and learn how this herbal remedy can help balance hormones, reduce stress, and improve insulin sensitivity and other symptoms associated with PCOS
Ayurveda, Acupuncture, and Hormonal Health services for women on the Gold Coast.
It's that time of year again, early winter and Ayurvedically speaking it's vata season. Learn the best practices for you to stay grounded.
A simple way to know you are getting a balanced diet is to include all six tastes in your diet. Here's a simple Ayurveda meal plan that includes them all.
Womanindonesia.co.id - Praktek penyembuhan tradisional tidak hanya ditemukan di negara-negara Asia, di Eropa juga memiliki Pengobatan Tradisional Eropa, yang
This kitchari cleanse is simple, straightforward, and only three days long. If you're new to cleansing, the three day cleanse is a perfect place to start.
Die drei Doshas spielen in der Ayurveda eine wichtige Rolle. Bist Du Vata, Pitta oder Kapha? Mach den Ayurveda-Test und finde es heraus!
Ein Vata Typ ist voller Facetten, kreativ, sensibel und manchmal etwas chaotisch. Hier erfährst du, wie du einen Vata Typ erkennst.
Ayurvedic Super Food
10 Ways to Start an Ayurvedic Lifestyle. Whether your brand new to Ayurveda or pondering where to start, here are a few tips for you!
So you've heard of Ayurveda but not sure what it is all about? Look no further! This post will explain everything you need to know!
Do you get SICK often? Do you feel TIRED even after waking up? This is the BEST daily routine for a HEALTHY LIFE you NEED which changed…
Make these Ayurvedic food swaps for summer if you're Pitta dominant or have a Pitta imbalance.
Do you feel out of balance? Do the seasons effect how you feel, think and behave? Consider exploring your Ayurvedic mind-body type, or dosha.
Ayurveda's perfect daily routine - Dinacharya is a set of daily habits, routines, & lifestyle that align with the rhythmic changes present in all of Creation.
Vata Imbalance symptoms are Anxiety, Irregular Digestion, bloating. Vata Dosha guides circulation of matter and nervine signals in our body.
High protein & fiber Quinoa Pudding with those classic Rice Pudding flavors...
Ayurvedische Gewürzmilch - für Vata - Störungen (chaotische, ungeerdete Menschen). Über 24 Bewertungen und für schmackhaft befunden. Mit ► Portionsrechner ► Kochbuch ► Video-Tipps!
Heute habe ich eine köstliche indische Milchreisvariation für dich. Kheer wird aus Basmatireis gekocht, zusammen mit unterschiedlichen Gewürzen kann Kheer als Frühstück und als Nachtisch gegessen werden.
We are almost in winter and despite the overly warm autumn the temperatures have now most definitely dropped some. Now I know I’m mad for freshly cooked hot food most of the year, but now is time to totally up the ante and make comfort food your best friend. Luckily, I’ve got plenty of yummy, nouris
Any wrinkle, skin spot, acnes or other signs on your face - might be signaling about potential health issues. Other use of reflexology is non direct organ stimulation. For example, by massaging certain area of your body with our massage tools, respective internal organs will be stimulated as well. For example, by massaging with roller top of the legs' fingers - stomach, pancreas and gallbladder will be be stimulated.
The diet and herbs for Vata Dosha and Vata Season. Learn what tastes and qualities can be incorporated into your daily diet to support seasonal health and longevity. Including our favorite warming, grounding daily regimen. Learn the best practices for the season!
Vegan, gluten free and raw
by trueayurveda Determination of causative factors of disease Misuse of sense organs Pradnyaparadha – crimes against wisdom; dhi, dhritti and smrtti Parinama – external effects. Parinama – if someo…