The 8x12 Bee.Jeweled.Coop XL is a larger version of our most loved, original Bee Jeweled Chicken Coop! This expanded version is perfect for raising 15-25 chickens in your backyard. With detailed instructions, you can build a sturdy and secure coop that will keep your feathered friends safe, happy, and healthy. The coop building measures 8ft x 12ft, providing ample space for your chickens to roost and lay their eggs. The 20ft x 12ft covered run provides plenty of space for your chickens to explore while keeping them safe. ►►►PLEASE NOTE: Think of these plans as the blueprint for constructing a house. Similar to building plans, they don't contain instructions for shingle application, decorative trim, hardware, tools, paint, or roosting bars. These are personal details that you can add based on your own preferences and the specific needs of your chicken coop. ***These plans are only offered with IMPERIAL measurements only. METRIC options for international customers are not available at this time*** Here's what you can expect from our chicken coop plans: Design: Our coop plans are designed to provide ample space for your chickens to move around and get fresh air while keeping them secure from predators. The design includes a secure nesting area, roosting space and a spacious run. Materials: Our plans detail the materials you need to build the structure of your coop, including the required amounts of lumber needed for the project (not including trim and hardware). You can source these materials from your local home improvement store or lumberyard. If you're working on a budget like we were, you can source some materials second-hand from an online marketplace. Instructions: The plans include clear diagrams and measurements and were designed with the intention of being helpful to visual builders. Benefits: By building your own chicken coop using our plans, you'll save money over buying a pre-built coop, and you'll have the satisfaction of creating something yourself. Plus, you'll have fresh eggs from happy and healthy chickens! Estimated total cost to build: $3500 -- pricing includes lumber, select hardware, paint, nails, windows and hardware cloth. This quote does not include foundation or ground work. Prices can vary depending on location. These building plans come with an excel file with pricing and links to all build materials! Our chicken coop plans are suitable for both intermediate DIY enthusiasts and professional builders, providing guidance to construct a visually appealing and practical coop that your chickens will adore. Exactly what is included? • 33 digital drawings to get an in-depth look at the structure and measurements (standard/US measurements only) • 45 pages of printer friendly instructions • Material & cut lists *** PLANS DO NOT INCLUDE INSTRUCTIONS FOR DECORTAIVE TRIM, HARDWARE OR ROOSTING BARS. These are personal details that you can add according to your esthetic and the number of chickens in your flock.
Discover innovative chicken run roof ideas to keep your feathered friends safe and dry all year round. Perfect for your backyard coop!
16-20 Chicken Some customizations have been made in this coop, you can make these customizations too. After purchasing the product, you can make customizations as you wish, as you will have the whole plan in your hands. Enhance your backyard with the Modern Enclosed Chicken Coop, designed to provide a safe and comfortable living space for your feathered friends. Designed to withstand all loads from wind and snow, along with a modern design that integrates seamlessly into any outdoor environment. Features Premium Wood Construction: Designed to be sturdy and weatherproof, our chicken coop ensures longevity and withstands a variety of weather conditions while providing natural insulation to keep your chickens comfortable year-round. Large Enclosure Run: The attached enclosure run provides ample space for chickens to roam, feed and exercise in a safe environment, supporting their overall health and well-being. Ventilated Design: Carefully designed ventilation helps maintain a fresh and healthy airflow inside the coop, preventing moisture and odor buildup and maintaining a clean living space. Easy Access and Maintenance: Cleaning and egg collection is effortless thanks to convenient hinged large access doors, allowing you to maintain a clean and hygienic coop with minimal effort. Secure and Predator-Proof: Equipped with sturdy latches and reinforced mesh wire, the coop provides maximum security against predators and gives you peace of mind knowing your chickens are safe and secure. Stylish and Functional: The coop's modern aesthetics add a stylish touch to your garden or backyard, while its functional design meets all your poultry keeping needs. Whether you are an experienced chicken keeper or a beginner, this Modern Chicken Coop is the perfect choice for a comfortable, safe, and stylish home for your flock. Give your chickens the best with a coop that prioritizes their safety, comfort and happiness! Building dimensions and elements: Foundation Type: Concrete blocks, concrete slab or gravel pad Wall Type Framing. Total: 6’ x 24’ x 11’ 7 17/64’’(W x L x H) For interior part: 6’ x 8’ x 3’ 7’’ (W x L x H) Chicken run: 6’ x 16’ x 11’ 7 17/64’’ (W x L x H) Half height: 6’ x 8’ x 3’ 3 5/8’’ (W x L x H) The PDF includes the following: General requirements Model 3D views Floor and Roof plan Fronts Floor frame plan Wall framing plan Roof plan Building sections Wall layout details Connection detailing 🔸 Term of use All files are for personal use only and cannot be used commercially or be resold/redistributed. Duplication for a friend, another staff member, or commercial purpose without the purchase of an additional license is strictly forbidden. Copying any part of this resource and/or placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal or business website/server) is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Copyright © KRMPLANS
Create a convenient feeder without breaking your wallet with PVC chicken feeders. Read our guide to know how to build this affordable feeder today!
You'll have those farm-fresh eggs in no time.
Discover 14 cheap chicken coop ideas that are easy to build and budget-friendly. Perfect for DIY enthusiasts and backyard chicken owners!
So, you want to construct an 8×8 chicken coop plan Avoid worrying and take a moment to breathe and plan ... Read more
Fancy digs for fowl from a North Carolina maker
Download one of these chicken coop plans to DIY a safe space for your hens to lay their eggs, rest, and stay warm.
Easy To Build Chicken Coop With 5 Nesting Boxes
Designing a harmonious outdoor space that beautifully merges your chicken coop with a lush garden is both an art and a science. By considering both functionality and aesthetics, you can transform your backyard into a thriving ecosystem. Explore these ten innovative ideas to create a stylish and efficient layout that…
If you're really committed to caring for your chicks, here are 20 things you should seriously consider.
Here's how you can keep your chicken coop warm during the long, dark cold winter months. Chickens are good at keeping themselves warm, but these tips will help them out.
Einfache Schritt-für-Schritt-Pläne zum Bau dieses 6x8 begehbaren Hühnerstalls mit angebrachtem 200x300-Hühnerauslauf! Ich wollte einen Stall bauen der nicht nur begehbar ist, aber auch einen Auslauf hat, damit die Hühner kratzen und spielen können, ohne sich Sorgen um Räuber machen zu müssen. Alle unsere Pläne sind Schritt-für-Schritt ...nicht nur Diagramme. Ich versuche jeden Schritt des Prozesses zu beschreiben, fast so als ob ich Ihnen beim Aufbau helfen würde. Ich gehe heikle Stellen durch, zeige Nahaufnahmen und versuche zu beschreiben, was Du tun sollst. Dieser Hühnerstall ist ideal für die Unterbringung von ca.10-20 Hühner. Es verfügt über einen geräumigen Wohnbereich mit einer Breite von 2 m und einer Tiefe von 2 m. Mit dem komplett begehbaren Design wird die Reinigung zu einer problemlosen Aufgabe, ohne dass man sich bücken oder hineinkriechen muss. Zusätzlich ist der Korb mit eingebauten Nistkästen ausgestattet, mit der Flexibilität, auf Wunsch weitere hinzuzufügen. Dies bedeutet, dass selbst wenn Sie mit nur wenigen Hühnern beginnen, die zukünftige Erweiterung Ihrer Herde mühelos und ohne komplizierte Änderungen bewerkstelligt werden kann. Der Hühnerauslauf misst 2,5 x 3,5 m und bietet Ihren Hühnern ausreichend Platz, um verschiedene Aktivitäten wie Spielen, Insektensuche, Staubbäder und Sonnenbaden auszuüben. Die Anleitung enthält Anweisungen zum Erweitern der Auslaufgröße, falls Sie Ihren gefiederten Freunden noch mehr Platz bieten möchten. Die Entscheidung für ein Lean-to-Design vereinfacht den Konstruktionsprozess erheblich, was vor allem für Anfänger von Vorteil ist. Der Bau eines Hühnerstalls in diesem Stil bietet einen viel zugänglicheren und unkomplizierteren Ansatz. Der Korb hat eine Menge Belüftung, mit der Option, bei Bedarf mehr hinzuzufügen! o Materialliste für jede Stufe, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie alles, was Sie brauchen, zur Hand haben. o Abbildungen von benötigten Utensilien, die ein visuelles Verständnis der benötigten Utensilien gewährleisten. o Präzise Maße für alle Schnitte und kritischen Entfernungen, so dass kein Raum für Spekulationen oder Fehler bleibt. o Aufbau von vier Nistkästen ist in der Anleitung dargestellt, jedoch ist das Erweitern der Anzahl der Nistkästen sehr einfach o Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für den mühelosen Einbau zusätzlicher Fenster, die natürliches Sonnenlicht in Ihren Hühnerstall fließen lassen und eine hellere und gesündere Umgebung schaffen. ➤ Diese Hühnerstall-Pläne mit Auslauf sind im PDF-Format, so dass sie ganz einfach ausgedruckt werden können. ➤ Kommt mit vollständigem E-Mail-Support ➤ GANZJÄHRIGE Geld-zurück-Garantie für diese Hühnerstall-Pläne ...aus welchem Grund auch immer. >>>> Du kannst dich nicht entscheiden? Ein Set mit allen 3 Hühnerställen gibt es hier im Shop: >>>> Für weniger als den Preis von zwei Hühnerstall-Plänen, bekommst du alle 3 kompletten Hühnerstall-Pläne! HERSTELLUNGSKOSTEN: Die Kosten für den Bau dieses Hühnerstalls liegen zwischen 1000 und 2200 USD. Wenn die Holzpreise sinken, werden auch die Kosten sinken. Unsere Pläne sind darauf ausgelegt, dir auf lange Sicht Geld zu sparen - sie benutzen hochwertige Materialien und Methoden, die so schnell nicht ersetzt werden müssen. Mit unseren Hühnerstall-Plänen können Sie Ihre Hühner in Sicherheit bringen. Bei Fragen gerne bei mir melden! Mit dieser Bestellung wird nichts versendet. Dies sind digitale Schritt-für-Schritt-Pläne.
Learn about the best & most popular 18 chicken breeds for your backyard flock, including informationon on temperament, eggs, and more!
Most chicken breeds love to explore their surroundings while foraging for food. But this can prove difficult with all the land and aerial predators lurking
We have a flock of chickens and the one thing I did not want to spend money on is a chicken run. I started looking for a diy chicken run cheap ideas and found
How to Build a Chicken Coop, Easy To Build Chicken Coop With 5 Nesting Boxes
Here are 20 of the most adorable chicken coops with free building plans that you can DIY in a weekend or in a day.
Discover the best herbs for chickens to be healthy: enhance coop life, improve immunity, and repel pests naturally with top 5 herbal picks.
If you have a passion for backyard poultry and farming, especially raising ducks, then knowing how to construct a duck house is crucial. These 22 free DIY duck house plans offer a range of designs from floating shelters to bungalow-style coops, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your needs. Each plan comes with step-by-step instructions, diagrams, and visual guides, making the building process as smooth as possible. Not only do these plans save you time, but they also include smart tips to ensure your ducks have a safe and comfortable home. Understanding the importance of a secure and cozy
So, you want to construct an 8×8 chicken coop plan Avoid worrying and take a moment to breathe and plan ... Read more
Raising chickens in your backyard or garden is a great idea to get the freshest eggs and healthy meat. It seems to be a good idea to allow chickens to
Over the years, I've discovered that the key to happy and healthy chickens is a well-designed coop.
I’m dreaming of chicken coops and this is a mighty fine one! Shelby sent it to me. She has such good taste. #chickens #eggs #soelbergcityfarm #chickencoop
The interior design of a chicken coop can have a huge impact on the success of your chicken-raising venture. Learn the 8 features that are inside a chicken coop
The whole scoop on our European Style Chicken Coop! Plus download our Chicken Coop Plans and instructions!
If you are planning on building or buying a chicken coop you need to make sure they have these 5 things.
Do you have a flock of chickens that are growing in size? If your chickens have outgrown their small coop or if you're thinking of bringing home a large flock
Raise farm-fresh eggs – and herbs and vegetables to enjoy with them – in this space-efficient coop-run-and-planter combination. It's hand built in Washington state from solid western red cedar custom milled by a local, family-run sawmill. The two nesting boxes are accessible through a drop-down back door at waist height for easy egg collection. Beneath the coop, a mesh-enclosed run gives hens space to forage and exercise, and a built-in planter box arrives ready to fill with soil and edible plants. Hand built from sustainably harvested western red cedar, custom milled by a local, family owned sawmill. Topped with a galvanized-metal roof. Spacious, watertight interior includes two nest boxes, removable for cleaning. Sized to comfortably house four hens – up to six if they are allowed to range freely during the day. Heavy-duty mesh floor allows manure to fall through, so the coop stays clean inside. Back door drops down for easy two-handed egg collecting with no need to bend or crouch. Chicken door and egg door lock to keep hens safe from predators. Interior perch allows hens to relax in a comfortable position. Area below coop provides 25 square feet of run space (approx. 5' x 5' x 3' high overall) Built in planter box is equipped with a drainage system that keeps water from falling into the run below White Glove delivery; we'll assemble the coop and place it for you.