Because every tiny apartment could use a levitating garden.
This is a lovely and unique approach to growing plants that do not require the typical plastic or clay pots. The best plants for kokedama will be discussed in
Creating a Kokedama is a fun and unique way to add a Japanese touch to your home or office environment - Here's Everything You Need to Know
Kokedama is a centuries old form of Japanese garden art that has been gaining great popularity in the western world for its beauty. Kokedama means Moss Ball in Japanese, (Koke=Moss; Dama=Ball). It is also known as “Poor Man Bonsai”, or ” String Garden”. As the…
Saiba como construir um lindo jardim suspenso em sua casa ou apartamento e veja dicas e insiração para deixar o seu jardim perfeito.
Bepflanzte Glasgefäße eignen sich besonders gut für das Gedeihen von Pflanzen, denn innerhalb des Gefäßes findet der „Gewächshauseffekt“ statt. Wir zeigen euch simple, aber raffinierte Werkstücke, mit denen ihr jedem eurer Kunden einen grünen Daumen ermöglichen könnt! Sandwüste mit Kakteen Das wird benötigt: Cereus forbesii ’Spiralis’ Eriocactus warasii Opuntia microdasys ’Rufida’ Außerdem: Glasgefäß, Steine, Kakteenerde, […]
AquaphyteKokedamaLifestyleTendanceeasy Design Art végétal japonais, reflet d'un savoir-faire délicat, les créations d'AQUAPHYTE offrent raffinement et modernité. Fasciné, voyagez dans une atmosphère de sérénité et de bien-être avec ces perles de vie attachantes. Les plantes prospèrent dans une sphère de terreau spécial que l'on a habillée de mousse naturelle.Kokedama Bassin du Congo, taille Ichi.Ce Kokedama offre un asparagus setaceus originaire d'Afrique possédant un feuillage persistant et plumeux .A garder en intérieur. Pièce lumineuse sans soleil direct. Arroser une fois par semaine avec l'entonnoir. Sphère d'environ 9 cm de diamètre.Hauteur 30 cm environ.Livré avec une fiche d'entretien et un entonnoir pour l'arrosage.N. B. : La composition et les plantes peuvent être légèrement différentes des photographies ou des dimensions indiquées car chaque plante et donc chaque composition est unique. Le support sur la photo est un support de présentation non fourni avec le Kokedama.
Discover how to connect with nature at home thanks to this Japanese technique for growing designer plants, sans pot Many of us have been led to believe that you need a pot to grow a plant indoors. Enter the art of kokedama, which consists of growing a plant from a ball of soil covered in moss, i.e. sans pot. This technique was created 500 years ago by Japanese artists who wanted to stay connected to the forest even though they could no longer live near it. Below, we share contemporary ways to brighten up your surroundings and connect with nature using the art of kokedama.
Kokedama is the Japanese art of growing plants in moss balls. Here, we show you how to create a low maintenance version from tennis balls and sheet moss.
Ich zeige euch, wie ihr euer eigenes Kokedama selber machen könnt. Für diese japanischen Deko Idee wird eine Pflanze in Moos eingepflanzt.
Kokedama: a plant's roots are encased in a ball of soil, which is covered with a layer of moss, forming a sphere. DIY kokedama.
Discover how to connect with nature at home thanks to this Japanese technique for growing designer plants, sans pot Many of us have been led to believe that you need a pot to grow a plant indoors. Enter the art of kokedama, which consists of growing a plant from a ball of soil covered in moss, i.e. sans pot. This technique was created 500 years ago by Japanese artists who wanted to stay connected to the forest even though they could no longer live near it. Below, we share contemporary ways to brighten up your surroundings and connect with nature using the art of kokedama.
Learn how to make a hanging moss ball planter, called Kokedama, to display your favorite houseplant in a floating green ball!
A virtuoso raises grasses to an artform.
With this listing, you will receive sansevieria kokedama. You can receive with or without the saucer. Sansevieria is one of the best houseplants to improve indoor air quality producing by negative ion! (The NASA Clean Air Study) ♥Great outcome from Indoor plants are *Purify Air -> Add Beauty -> Reduce Stress! Kokedama (Ko Kay Da Ma) is an arranged plant that grows from a ball of covered soil moss. The creator wishes that every owner enjoy and maintain the peaceful mind and energy that this small forest spirit ball produces. You can think moss ball part as a pot. It is like moss planter. Size 4 x 4 x 7 inch tall (It is approximately size. It is growing, it may be taller than this, you can cut and arrange as you like.) ♥ If you like to add saucer for your Kokedama, please chose from below link. ♥If you like to keep up with green moss, recommend to buy moss greener. Please be careful not to leave the package outside for long time. They are live plants. Handling and shipping policy : Ship your order by USPS Priority Mail with a tracking ID. Each Kokedama order, it is required for an overnight preparation, pruning and trimming to get it ready for a trip. Please be careful not to leave your Kokedama package outside in the cold weather. "They are live plants." How to take care of your Kokedama : 1 ) Place it under the filtered sun. 2) Dip the moss ball into bowl of water 5~10 minutes when moss is start to dry. This is succulents, so you do not need to give water so much. Once every 10 days will be enough. It is good to spray moss part to keep green moss. Sansevieria Care Water : Every 7-10 days Do not overwatered, Location: Any location (Indoor/Outdoor) Plants are watered every other week during the growing season. Too much water tends to rot the plants at the soil line. Plant are fertilized only once during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. Sansevieria will survive in a wide range of conditions. They tolerate low light conditions and are very drought tolerant.-
Kokedama is the Japanese art of growing plants in moss balls. Traditionally, Kokedama is formed by wrapping the roots of plants in clay before tying moss around…
If you want a different sort of garden indoor garden, then you need to take a look at these DIY kokedama (hanging moss ball planters)!
Découvrez comment faire un kokedama en suivant les 10 conseils d'un expert. Voici les réponses aux questions les plus souvent posées sur le sujet.
Japanische Kokedama sind Moosbälle, die meist mit Bonsais bepflanzt werden. Erfahre hier, wie man die tolle DIY-Dekoration selber herstellen kann.
Verabschieden Sie sich von der klassischen Innenraumbegrünung und holen Sie sich den neusten Trend im Moosball! Die Ceropegia woodii ist auch unter dem Namen Leuchterblume bekannt und kennzeichnet sich durch die hängende Wuchsform. Diese flexiblen Pflanzenstiele sind mit herzförmigen Blättern bestückt, die eine dekorative Blattfärbung präsentieren. Durch die metallisch wirkende Blattoberfläche erhält die Leuchterblume einen besonderen Glanz. Der flauschige Moosball sorgt für regelrechte Begeisterung und bildet ein eindrucksvolles Fundament dieser Pflanze. Alles in allem ein ausgefallenes und kunstvolles Gebilde, das eine kreative Raumgestaltung ermöglicht und garantiert auch als Geschenkidee strahlende Augen hervorbringen wird! Neben der prachtvollen Wirkung als Zierelement überzeugt dieses Kokedama-Exemplar mit einer unkomplizierten Haltung. Bei der Leuchterblume handelt es sich um eine genügsame Zimmerpflanze, die ganzjährig bei Zimmertemperatur in geschlossenen Räumen gehalten werden kann. Gönnen Sie Ihrer Pflanze einen sonnigen bis halbschattigen Standort und Sie werden mit einer gesunden Pflanzenstruktur belohnt. Mäßige Wassergaben sichern das Wohlbefinden Ihrer Pflanze. Vor der nächsten Wassergabe sollte das zuvor gegebene Wasser vollständig aufgenommen worden sein. Achten Sie darauf, dass der Wurzelballen nie komplett austrocknet. Um ein gesundes Erscheinungsbild des Moosballs aufrecht zu halten, sprühen Sie Ihre Kokedama-Pflanze regelmäßig mit zimmerwarmen Wasser ein. Ausführliche Pflegetipps für die Kokedama finden Sie in unserem Blogartikel. Übrigens: Bei Kokedama handelt es sich um die Gestaltung von Pflanzen, die in Moosbällen präsentiert werden. Diese Form der Pflanzendekoration stammt ursprünglich aus Japan, wo sich diese Pflanzen einer großen Beliebtheit erfreuen. Die Lieferung erfolgt ohne Deko.
If you haven’t heard of Kokedama before, you’re probably wondering what that is. Kokedama (苔玉) is a Japanese term for “moss ball”; Koke means moss and dama means ball. Kokedamas actually are a category inside the bonsai group, and their popularity grew instantly. Even though the traditional Kokedama were to be displayed inside on tables and bookshelves, they have become so diverse and now are being made into hanging plants and hung outside. If you happen to catch the “Kokedama Fever” and make more than one, they look awesome hanging up from strings. When you have a collection, you have what the is called a String Garden.
Kokedama: a plant's roots are encased in a ball of soil, which is covered with a layer of moss, forming a sphere. DIY kokedama.
Aprenda a fazer kokedama e como usá-las para decorar sua casa
A kokedama is a hanging garden. Making a kokedama for your home can be a fun DIY project. To make a kokedama, you first need to create soil balls using moss and soil. From there, wrap your plants in the balls and hang them in your home....
Art floral japonais, le kokedama est composé d’une plante, de mousse et de substrat. Découvrez les secrets de sa fabrication et son entretien.
Kokedama translates from “koke” meaning moss and “dama” meaning ball. Learn to make and care for this Japanese living art form with this helpful guide.
We love plants. The pendants, the flashy ones, the ones that don't need light. That is why we cannot stop talking about them. And because, also, they are
If you’re bored of growing your plants in traditional pots, then you should think about making a Kokedama. Kokedama is a moss-covered ball of soil where a
Aquí aprenderás dos formas de hacer kokedama.Materiales:- Piedras (grava o guijarros)- Porteza de pino (tamaño pequeño)- Pusgo (esfagno previamente humedecido)- Hilo- Tijeras- 40 cm de fibra- 1 orquídea (previamente limpiada
This ancient technique blends nature and art, bringing a serene, minimal aesthetic to your home. Learn how to make a kokedama.
Dans un premier temps, sachez que ce doux mot japonais, Kokedama, signifie « boule de mousse » et vous comprendrez très vite la raison
Avec sa rondeur compacte et charmante, le kokedama s’invite dans notre intérieur. Mais attention, certains conseils sont à suivre pour bien l’entretenir.