The biggest snag I run into when I tell people that I have rheumatoid arthritis is that people often don't know what that is. Usually, the response is something like, "So? My grandma has that." Now, obviously it's possible that grandmas have rheumatoid arthritis. I know quite a few who do. But this is usually said with the implication that everyone gets rheumatoid arthritis as they get older, which isn't true. Instead, quite a few people get osteoarthritis as they age. So let's figure this out and talk about osteoarthritis vs rheumatoid arthritis.
Check out http://DRDACH.COM! Jeffrey Dach MD Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally without Drugs
Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as wear-and-tear arthritis, is the most common form of arthritis, affecting more than 32 million American adults. Here’s why it happens, how to manage OA symptoms, and more essential info about this degenerative joint disease.
Osteopenia can be treated through various methods, including medication, lifestyle changes, and hormone replacement therapy. Schedule your appt today!
An exercise option gaining popularity is rebounding, and not with a basketball! Rebounding is most commonly done on a mini trampoline that can be done inside or outside. It is basically jumping on a trampoline, small jumps or large jumps, exercise jumps like jumping jacks, walking or running. The level of activity is up to you and your physical condition. Like most exercises, you start out fairly simple and can gradually build up your length of time and type of exercises you perform on the rebounder. There are three types of exercises you can do to get benefits from rebounding: 1. Aerobic Bouncing Rebounding Exercise If you're looking for a fun and energetic way to get your blood flowing, this is it! The aerobic bouncing rebounding exercise involves jumping jacks, twisted dances (think waltz), running in place or doing other moves that require high intensity. This type of workout will make sure all parts are working hard - from heart rate up through muscles throughout our bodies; making us feel invigorated after each session because we've been able to work them out harder than ever before. 2. The Rebounding "Health" Bounce Exercise This exercise involves gently bouncing up and down on your trampoline without lifting the feet off of a mat. This low-impact, effective move helps increase blood flow to areas that are often missed when we're sitting too long at one time or engaged in other sedentary pursuits like watching TV, as well as activating your lymphatic system! You can do this for longer periods while still being able interact with others around you during commercial breaks - it's almost like having another workout but indoors so no need worry about getting bored ;) 3. The Rebounding “Strength” Bounce Exercise This rebounder bounce involves jumping as high up in the air you can. This helps strengthen your muscles, improves balance and moves blood all over so it's good for physical fitness too! This more difficult type of rebounding is called "strength" because this requires a lot from an individual before they will be able to complete its exercises successfully; however if within your bodies limits then give yourself permission to enjoy it! Rebounding is unique as it uses both acceleration and deceleration to work on every cell of your body in a distinctive way. Several actions happen as you do rebounding. First, you accelerate as you bounce up. Then, there is an instant of weightless pause at the top before you decelerate at an increased G-force back to the mat. After your impact, you repeat this rebounding sequence. All you need is the mini trampoline and the space to put it. Do your research before purchasing a rebounder and make sure it is well made. Some of the specific benefits of rebounding include: 1. Easy on the joints. Rebounding has much less impact on joints and soft tissues than other exercises. 2. Anti-inflammatory effects. Rebounding efficiently stimulates and helps lymphatic drainage which has anti-inflammatory effects on your body. 3. Arthritis Management. This type of exercise helps lubricate the joints and reduce the pain and stiffness that comes along with this disease. 4. Reduces the risk of falls. Rebounding helps improve balance and muscle-strengthening which can help prevent falls. 5. Increase bone density. Rebounding can help seniors increase their bone strength and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis women and one in five men will break a bone because of osteoporosis. 6. Slows muscle atrophy. Rebounding helps slow down the inevitable muscle atrophy in the aging process. 7. Fun and portable. Rebounding can be done anywhere you are and it is fun. Fun exercise means more consistent exercise and more benefits from that exercise! HOW ELSE CAN YOU IMPROVE BONE DENSITY? Improving your bone density is one of the best benefits of rebounding, but there are a few other good ways to help develop healthier bones. Adding Vitamin D, Calcium and Vitamin K to your diet can help boost bone density. Not getting enough of these nutrients could decrease the strength in bones which increases risks for fractures or breaks from uneven surfaces such as stairs- especially if you have already had some prior issues with bone density! When there isn't enough calcium around - like when we eat less dairy products due either dietary constraints (like vegetarianism) or because we're not really big fans; our bodies take what's available first then pulls the calcium directly from our bones for nourishment. As you get older, it’s beyond important to focus on building your bone density. Using a rebounder at home is one of the easiest ways to do this! With so many rebounding benefits, it’s a no-brainer to add this powerful exercise to your routine. As always, check with your provider before starting any new exercise program. There are also safety concerns with children and trampolines. Make sure you are in attendance should any children use your trampoline and go over the rules with them prior to use.
The diaphragm is a postural muscle, so it's likely that if you have a back problem, you have a diaphragm problem. We want to add to that: if you have a diaphragm problem, it's likely you also have a pelvic floor problem !
It’s no secret that regular exercise, including weight-bearing activities and targeted moves that apply pressure on bones, is crucial for optimal bone health. But you may not have thought about … Continue Reading →
This weekend’s challenge is a yoga pose known as Trikonasana or “triangle pose”. It elongates the spine, opens the chest, aligns upper back and cervical vertebrae, and more. Bear in … Continue Reading →
L’air : indispensable au fonctionnement de l'organisme. Peut-on apprendre à « mieux respirer » ? Explications et sensibilisation sur le rôle de l'ostéopathie.
Possible osteoporosis symptoms are not widely known - and even when spotted can be mistakenly attributed to other health issues. Find out what to look out for!
We ask experts about the treatment and prevention of the bone condition osteoporosis, including medication that can be taken, and give five lifestyle changes to consider.
There’s no doubt that with the holidays quickly approaching, life can get hectic and stressful. So this weekend’s challenge is a relaxing move that incorporates breathing and stretching to help … Continue Reading →
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that affects the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in your joints. OA has often been referred to as a wear and tear disease. But besides the breakdown of cartilage, OA affects the entire joint. It causes changes in the bone and deterioration of the connective tissues that hold the joint together and attach muscle to bone. It also causes inflammation of the joint lining. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease, which means it worsens over time. There is no cure for OA, but there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.
Learn about common signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis, including how they differ from symptoms of inflammatory arthritis.
Le diaphragme Le diaphragme est le muscle principal de la respiration. Le diaphragme est innervé par le nerf phrénique qui origine de la région cervicale, plus précisément entre la troisième et la quatrième vertèbre cervicale. Le diaphragme est également sous la dépendance du système nerveux central au niveau du bulbe rachidien. Le diaphragme s’insère sous les côtes de chaque côté par ses coupoles musculaires et au centre, par ses piliers qui descendent jusqu’à la quatrième vertèbre lombaire droite et la troisième vertèbre lombaire gauche. Le centre phrénique (centre du diaphragme) est une portion membraneuse plus rigide qui s’insère à l’intérieur du thorax et qui est en continuité avec les puissants ligaments du cœur (phréno-péricardique) et de plusieurs viscères (foie, estomac, reins, rate, pancréas, intestin, …) Lors de l’inspiration, le diaphragme se contracte. Le centre du diaphragme descend, repoussant ainsi les viscères abdominaux vers le bas et augmentant la cavité thoracique pour permettre aux poumons de se remplir d’air. Les côtes de chaque côté s’écartent pour augmenter le diamètre transverse du thorax. À l’expiration, le diaphragme se relâche et remonte vers le haut, diminuant ainsi la cavité thoracique et permettant l’expulsion de l’air par la bouche ou le nez. Cette ventilation est essentielle pour permettre les échanges gazeux au niveau des poumons, c’est-à-dire pour permettre au corps de s’approvisionner en oxygène et de se débarrasser du gaz carbonique produit par le fonctionnement des cellules. Si le diaphragme demeure tendu, soit parce que vous avez de la difficulté à gérer votre stress, soit parce que vous êtes constamment préoccupés, soit parce qu’il y a une dysfonction mécanique au niveau cervical ou du thorax qui crée un état de tension permanent dans le diaphragme, vous serez plus sujets à souffrir de sensation d’oppression dans la poitrine, de fatigue, d’hyperventilation, … De plus, comme les piliers du diaphragme s’attachent au niveau lombaire, cela engendrera une force de compression excessive au niveau vertébral et à long terme, des phénomènes d’usure, de dégénérescence, d’arthrose et d’hernie discale apparaîtront. Plusieurs traitements conventionnels s’avèrent inefficaces lors de douleur lombaire chronique si le diaphragme est tendu et que le professionnel de la santé ne prend le temps de le relâcher. Finalement, le tube digestif, l’aorte du cœur et le système nerveux autonome passent directement à travers le diaphragme. Lorsque celui-ci est tendu, il crée une tension indésirable au niveau de l’orifice par lequel passent ces « tuyaux » importants et perturbe leur fonctionnement normal. Vous serez donc sujets à développer du reflux gastrique, des palpitations, des arythmies, des problèmes du système nerveux tel que les tics, la fibromyalgie, des problèmes vasculaires dans les membres supérieurs, … L’importance du diaphragme est donc capitale lors du traitement de la douleur chronique. Les ostéopathes se distinguent de plusieurs professionnels de la santé car ils prennent le temps d’évaluer et de travailler votre diaphragme, votre thorax, et l’innervation du diaphragme; ce qui explique parfois les résultats très surprenants lors de douleur chronique. La façon d’étirer le diaphragme est de bien respirer par le ventre ; ce que l’on nomme une respiration abdominale. Malheureusement, avec notre mode de vie stressé, peu de gens prennent le temps de bien respirer et le plus souvent, ils respirent avec le haut du thorax; ce que l’on nomme une respiration thoracique. Ce genre de respiration occasionne à long terme un rétrécissement du diaphragme et de ses attaches. Les femmes sont prédisposées à ce problème puisque nos critères sociaux idéalisent une femme svelte et sculptée. Alors, elles ont souvent tendance à porter des vêtements serrés et à marcher toujours le ventre rentré; ce qui favorise une respiration thoracique. Il ne faut pas oublier que le plexus solaire, où siège le centre des émotions, est situé dans cette région et prédispose le diaphragme à accumuler des tensions lorsqu’on vit un problème émotionnel néfaste. Je recommande donc à la majorité de mes patients de s’arrêter plusieurs fois par jour pour prendre le temps de bien respirer, de relaxer ou de méditer afin d’éviter que votre corps soit dans un état de stress permanent. De plus, avant de vous endormir, faites quinze respirations abdominales. Placez une main sur votre ventre et une main sur votre thorax. Inspirez profondément par le nez. La main sur votre ventre devrait monter plus que celle sur le thorax. Videz votre air au maximum en vous détendant. La santé est une question d’équilibre! Source Sébastien Plante, ostéopathe
Among people newly diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, important questions arise about causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Learn from an expert how to manage the condition.
REFLEX OSTEO, le 1er réseau national de permanence en ostéopathie. Notre service en ostéopathie repose sur des valeurs de déontologie, respect, professionnalisme et service rendu.
Les techniques hypopressives ont été créées au début des années 1980 par le Dr Marcel Caufriez. Elles font l’objet d’applications notamment en gynécologie, en rééducation post-partum...
The Best Essential Oils for Rheumatoid Arthritis to Help Reduce Inflammation, Pain and Stiffness! Finding the best essential oils for rheumatoid arthritis can help you relieve arthritis pain naturally! Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease
Rhomboid muscle pain may be caused by overuse or injury to the muscle. A minor injury will usually resolve in a few days. A more serious injury can take several months to recover. Learn how to identify and treat this type of pain, including seven exercises and stretches you can use to improve your recovery.
Experiencing bone loss due to osteoporosis can be troublesome. Learn about why it occurs and what you can do to treat it.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is n chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that mostly affects the joints, although it can also affect other areas of your body.
Here we explore the anatomy of the pelvic floor, the variety of functions it performs, and some ways yoga can improve pelvic health.
Concerned about osteoporosis? Learn three different sets of bone strengthening activities you can do at home. Great for all levels of fitness!