Image gallery for: 3 1m views · 47k reactions calabar style bitter leaf soup calabar style bitter leaf soup by joyful cook hello everyone and welcome back today i share how to make calabar style bitter leaf soup this soup is delicious so keep watching this begin first you want to cook your protein of choice i m using goat s meat some stockfish head i have some snails you can add your cow skin now if it s tough i ve also gone in with some pepper i m using both yellow and red some onion and seasoning stir well to combine and then steam this for about 15 minutes without adding water 15 minutes later going with the cow skin mine was not to off so i added it at this point then added some water going to cook this until the snail is cooked meanwhile i m going to wash and cut the water leaf now when you are making any calabasa soup that uses water leaf you want a water leaf to be cut really thinly alright once that is done you also want to wash your bitter leaf until the bitter taste is gone i ll put a link on how to wash your bitter leaf without stress in the comment section alright so now the water leaf and bitter leaf is ready this was 20 minutes later i go take a the snail i didn t want it to overcook so take out the snail and you can see we still have quite ehm good number of stock in the pot so i continued cooking until the stock was reduced you don t want too much water in the soup alright so now let s start cooking proper in that same pot you are going to go in with some palm oil if you don t want to use this method you can just add palm oil to your cooked meat and continue like you know just the way you cook your afan so now the oil is dissolved you re not going to bleach it or anything go in with some seasoning and more pepper if you like then at this point i go in with the cooked meat some catfish you can add your catfish earlier if it s tough i reintroduce the snail and some crayfish now i m going to stir this very well to combine then i ll go in with our sliced water leaf now once you add the water leaf you re going to cover it and let it wilt for about two 3 minutes now the ratio of water leaf to bitter leaf i used is around seventy thirty today s hug is four k watching from the united kingdom i m glad you love the recipes please let me know where you re watching from so i can send you a hug in my next video alright this was three minutes later i m going to stir really well to combine at this point you want to taste and adjust with seasoning or salt if necessary i went in with a bit more crayfish so i m going to add the bitter leaf now that s the washed bitter leaf now stir really well to combine you can stop right here you don t have to add the next palm oil i m going to add but if you want that half and soup feel then go ahead add some more palm oil a little bit more and then stir really well to combine allow this simmer for two more minutes and then take it off the heat let me tell you this soup is sweet you should try it the aroma was nose blinding ah very delicious i hope you get to try it let me know what you think and what are you going to serve this with i had this with fufu i think this bang sweet fufu or pounded yam thank you for watching bye

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