Localización insecto Localización mano 1 Localización mano 2 Correspondencia meridianos – mano Meridianos mano derecha YANG Meridianos mano derecha YIN Correspondencia genérica manos SUJOK TE…
“A correspondence system is a peculiar metaphysical (pertaining to information and energy) copy of our body or of its individual part that reflects not only the anatomic structure but the fun…
The initial impact causing trauma starts "chain reactions", which is known in traumatology, so erasing this harmful energy as quickly as possible can make big difference for how this trauma will be healed later. There are certain fast-working schemes like the schemes with points around nails which give effect in 15-20 sec. Another fast-working scheme which in addition acts on fundamental level, is the "Royal" healing on Du-Mai and Zheng-Mai meridians in classic acupuncture, or Border meridians in Su-jok medicine: the "integrated" scheme for heart/brain problems, currently being used for a patient who had stroke status and later developed heart attack. Points 1, 2', 3' can be used as emergency help right at the scene for brain traumas, eye/face traumas, everything related to head. Similarly, treatment for back or chest region: Sequence 1 targets sacrum (and coccyx), sequence 2 is for scapula region. There are usually just 3 points to target the damaged area so this can be done quickly and "on the fly", when cyclist is riding beside the med. car. There may be a problem: --- cyclists are usually not used to acupuncture treatment --- acupuncture uses the energy present in body and directs it to ailing area --- this leaves a bit less energy for riding, but mental energies are also affected --- this means, if one's not used to this, he may lose concentration at riding, which he most probably may not notice as this acupuncture acts very smoothly and harmoniously. This doesn't mean there can't be acupuncture on the fly, but one is to use other methods than needles, which allow careful dosing and also alter intensity, like combination of crystals taped onto points (basic action) and heating by moxa (dynamic action). On the other hand, if one's having acu sessions regularly, he gets used to it, and no such problem even when riding in rainy weather.
Systems of Hara (abdominal) diagnosis have existed in Oriental medicine since ancient times. Historically speaking, abdominal diagnosis has its roots in Chinese medicine, but as with numerous aspects of ancient Chinese culture, its usage is nowadays extremely limited there. The Japanese, on the other hand, have never dropped the practice of Hara diagnosis[i] and have,
The patient told about a bit more energy the days after first session. The emotional state is the same. 1. The fundamental Triorigin scheme: No-Ho-Ne-Ho-No (organs)-Ne-Ne-Ho: --- sedation of Neito, fundamental destruction --- sedation of Ho, main diabetes energy --- tone up Ne, healing and harmonization energy The patient was feeling the treatment which was encouraging sign. 2. Basic energy points and harmonization by triangles: treatment to manage imbalance of energy for --- upper-lower parts of body --- left-right side of body heating the points in a sequence Basic energy points chosen for the case: this also balances energy in left-right side of body so far there's general insufficiency of it at right side. 3. Time Energies. 2 schemes were combined to treat the moment of brain concussion and the day of treatment: points 1,2,3 for brain concussion points 4,5,6 for the energies of a current day. Needles into points in a sequence, then heating points by moxa and taping blackseed seeds 3 seeds onto each. 4. Zones for pancreas and bladder in Correspondence system - the same as first session. Treatments were generally scheduled as 1 session in 3-4 days. The patient was recommended for self-treatment between sessions: --- basic energy points and harmonization by triangles, heating the points ints then taping blackseed seeds onto basic energy points --- taping seeds onto zones in Correspondence system --- heating and taping blackseeds on a Time Energies scheme for brain concussion:
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Een dermatoom is een gedeelte van de huid dat hoofdzakelijk door een enkele ruggenmergzenuw wordt voorzien. Er zijn acht cervicale zenuwparen, twaalf thoracale ...
There are of course more emergency type schemes, like: --- Correspondence systems, needles/crystals/other tools applied right on the reflex zone for the trauma --- "local" systems all this is well-known for Su-jok specialists. One method is particularly interesting: if, for example, there's a deep cut, one can use plant seeds applied onto the reflex zone around the cut so that their magnetic fields are directed inside to push the edges to close: The cut is on outer side of left shin, seeds applied on the corresponding zone. Seed's magnetic field is very weak but the same level as human magnetic fields, giving sort of resonance and human tissues respond. The magn. field vector is usually directed from sharp to blunt edge of a seed, so to help wound close one orients them blunt edge inside (pic). This has much wider application, for example, for asthma to expand bronchi; to help drive away kidney/bladder stones; to help prolapsed uterus etc. Low energy laser treatment is of particular interest for emergency help for traumas, as laser beam has prominent "antiseptic" and cleansing properties; besides, green laser has significant pain-killer effect, and if applied to right points, can ease riding for injured rider similar to pain-killers. However, there's usual problem of right dosing for laser treatment, so one is to have clear understanding of rider's state and the situation.
A blocked tear duct is a common condition that occurs when the tear drainage system is partially or completely obstructed
Treatment for snoring खर्राटों का इलाज Korean Sujok Colour Therapy Please see all helpful postings & reels on our facebook page "Holistic Sujok Healers"....
There's been 2 entries on brain's general mapping on palm and brain cancers posted earlier. Su-jok medicine for gunshot wounds operates with the same ideas for traumas in general: bone fracture, bleeding, raising of tissue pressure, inflammation etc. Traumatic factors for gunshot wounds in head: --- initial bullet impact, kinetic energy absorbed by brain --- rupture of tissue, bleeding --- quickly developing haematoma, life-threatening imbalance of fluids, rapid raise of intracranial pressure --- liquids imbalance causing brain swelling in first several days, inflammation --- blood supply shortage in the area of trauma, inflammation, possible tissue necrosis, poor healing of wound itself General path to brain is, in 8 Qi Burn(nerv. system)---> Light (brain) 1.The bullet generates a shockwave as a cone channel expanding in all directions to affect the whole brain. For the pass-through wounds the absorbed energy is much lower. The shock energy is Burn=Yang (explosive, expanding); for the bullet impact it can be regarded Light - the Extreme energy causing ultimate damage 2. Rupture of tissue is also Burn (or Light), bleeding is Heat, if massive - Burn 3.Quickly-developing haematoma and raise of intracranial pressure is also Burn The fast-working energy systems are: --- Nails system, also probably the most convinient --- The "Royal Healing" on Border meridians, which is fast and most fundamental at the same time. For the first several hours since the accident the general scheme looks as: Burn(nerv. system)---> Light(brain): Burn and Light (initial shock, massive bleeding, rapid raise of intracranial pressure) sedate, Cold and Darkness (opposite energies) tone up, Dampness (liquids balance) harmonization (needle perpendicular), also Wind perpendicular or sedate to control seizures and similar. The Royal scheme: --- points 1,2,3, locate the action in upper part of head --- point 4 has 2 choices: dark - sedation of Light, the main destructive energy right after the shot, green - general harmonization. Such or the simplest treatment on Brain meridian first moments after the shot to manage the absorbed impact can eliminate a lot of problems later and even save the victim's life. Such fast developing conditions need the link between Brain and Spinal Cord: --- they are connected physically --- they are in Yin-Yang relations so excess of any type of energy in brain can be managed through Spinal cord meridian thus the scheme to draw away harmful energy from brain can be done on Spinal cord: The Royal Scheme with all points in green - general harmonization, also prevents harmful Dampness: imbalance of fluids, swelling etc. Post-traumatic symptomes: 4. Brain swelling in several days after the accident is energy of Dampness, also formation of clots 5. Possible loss of brain functions, necrosis, poor healing are caused by Yin energies: --- Dampness - everything related to liquids, swelling, formation of clots --- Dryness - spasms, shortage of any function --- Cold - critical problems with blood circulation (the same as stroke), severe loss of brain functions, scarring, necrosis. General managing of swelling: --- 2 orange points - sedation of Heat and tone up Dryness - prevent swelling ---tone up Wind, lower left green point, is to control/sedate (depends on situation) Dampness For post-traumatic complications like paresis, paralysis, loss of brain function the scheme will be mirror-like to the previous emergency schemes: Burn--->Light: Cold (main trauma energy) sedate, Darkness (paralysis, absence of function) sedate, Wind (impulse to change), Burn, Light(opposite to Cold and Darkness) tone up. For mrs. Gabrielle Giffords there may be more schemes from the location of wound: 1. Mapping of wound location at left brain hemisphere: Burn(nerv.system)--->Light(brain)--->Burn (location by height)--->Dampness (left side from behind, the entering point of bullet): energies to work on The energies were described earlier for each situation, here to manage the long-term effects: --- points 1,2,3 - targetting the spot of trauma --- points 4,6 sedation of Cold, tone up Burn, point 5 - tone up Wind. 3. Local systems: - --- possible location of bullet holes is marked on the brain zone on finger (brown asterik) --- circle drawn around --- points marked on the cicrle Here: --- 2 Dark points - to facilitate closing the wound --- 2 green points - control of swelling Points can be chosen according to general situation, for example, treatment of inflammation (sedation of Heat) etc. 4. Valuable scheme considering the bullet passed through: --- line is drawn connecting the holes across the top of finger to mark the bullet path --- 4 points marked on that line at equal distances so that 2 correspond to the holes Here 2 red points aim at fighting long-term post-traumatic effects of losing brain functions etc. On the other hand, version with same points marked blue facilitates wound closing. Points may fall on nail but this is not an obstacle for Su-Jok medicine as one can do: --- moxibustion at desired angle to sedate or tone up points --- small magnets which have North pole to sedate and south pole to tone up --- luminodiode pulsing light emitter Very effective is laser treatment with a lot of different laser modules and choice for colour.
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